Stacey sat in her car, staring at the other two cars parked in her driveway. Even though she loved Kristen like a sister, she sometimes wished she could walk into a quiet house with no one who would need to talk to her. This was one of those nights. She just wanted to grab something to eat and pick up a book and forget about the day.

Stacey trudged slowly, her steps and heart heavy, through the back door and entered the cozy kitchen, where Jacob and Kristen sat at the table eating. Her quiet night wasn’t going to happen. “Hey, y’all. It smells amazing in here. I’m starving. Is there anything left over?”

“Of course, there’s plenty. I wouldn’t forget you, sis.” Jacob went to the stove and filled a plate with spaghetti noodles and meatballs with tomato sauce and placed a couple slices of garlic bread on the side. He set the plate in front of her at the table as Stacey fixed a salad with ranch dressing.

She sent him a small smile.

Kristen sat next to her and filled a wine glass. Stacey took a huge mouthful, letting the fruity and subtly dry flavor fill her mouth. She closed her eyes and swallowed before she took a quicker sip, then got back to her meal. She felt the prying eyes of her two favorite people on her. She glanced up at Kristen and shoved her fork filled with noodles, sauce, and a piece of meatball in her mouth.

“So, how was your day?” Kristen asked.

Stacey chewed for a bit.What are you, my mom?Her eyes filled with tears. “Great, thanks. How was yours?” Sarcasm oozed off her words. She stuffed her mouth full of food, trying to avoid a large conversation about a topic she didn’t want to discuss.

Kristen placed her hands on the table and fidgeted with the ring on her finger. “Are you sure? You seem a little off.”

“Gee. Thanks,Mom,for the words of encouragement.” Stacey’s frustration boiled over, and she spat out the words. She locked her gaze on to Kristen’s and refused to look away.

“Hey, sis.” Jacob reached across the table and placed his hand on her arm.

“If things were good, I don’t think you’d be jumping on Kristen for asking a simple question.”

Ugh. She couldn’t stand it when they ganged up on her. “Look, just because you two are a couple now doesn’t mean you have the right to team up against me.” She turned to Kristen. “You’re still my best friend. Remember all the times you’ve been a bitch to someone over the years? I’ve been the only one on your side. Especially when the drama flew between you two.” Stacey pushed her plate away. She was no longer hungry.

She looked at her brother and her best friend. They both held the same look on their faces. Concern and love. She did a double take, her attention jumping back and forth between them until she could hold their gazes no longer.

She dropped her head in her hands. “I’m sorry. Today was a real shit of a day.” She looked up at Jacob. “It always is—This couple was taking their baby home, and her mom and dad were in the room and just talking about how excited they were about having their new grandson, and all the things they were going to help them with, and …. It….” Her voice caught as grief tore from her.

Jacob jumped up out of his seat and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to his chest. The tears that she was holding all day, finally exploded free.

Jacob just held her tight. “I know, Stace. Today’s always a shitty day. For me, too. I can’t believe they’ve been gone for five years.” Tears fell from his eyes also as he held his sister.

“I miss them both so much, Jake.” Stacey sniffled and accepted the napkin Kristen offered her. “I had that dream again. I woke up and could feel Mom’s hand on my face. It’s been so long since I’ve had that dream, and it all came back again. All day, I’ve felt her. I’ve missed her so much.”

“I miss them, too, but I know they’re proud of where we are. Me working with a tech company, you working as a nurse at County.”

Stacey jerked from Jacob and shoved from the table hard. She paced the small kitchen before she leaned against the counter. “Yeah, well that’s something else that happened today to make it even shittier. The hospital is having to make some cuts, and guess what department is getting the ax?” She shook her head as her eyes met first Jacob’s, then Kristen’s. “Yep, Labor and Delivery. It seems as if not as many people are using our services since the bigger hospitals have large fancy facilities with perfect rooms.”

Her sight became blurry, but she continued. “We all knew we had empty beds often and had fewer nurses on the schedule at a time than we used to a few years ago, but it just made the care of our patients that much better. Moms always raved about how amazing it was to have a baby at County. But it’s a business after all, and all that doesn’t matter.” Stacey’s voice broke.

Kristen jumped up and ran to her, placing her arms on her friend’s shoulders. “I’m so sorry. You love working there. How could they?”

“Money’s pretty important when it comes to running a hospital. It’s easy when you just see everything as dollar signs.” Stacey shrugged and pursed her lips.

“Sis, what are you going to do?”

Stacey squeezed Kristen’s hands and looked at her brother. “They gave us a folder of information, and they’re going to have meetings with each of us over the next few weeks. We have at least this month, but eventually I guess I’ll be looking for another job. Luckily, they’re everywhere. I just loved working in the small setting of County. It’s just another addition to the shittiest date on the calendar.”

She picked up the folder and started reading over the papers in it. “All this junk is what they want us to look at before our meetings. I guess I’ll go hop online and fill out the questionnaire. They want it done before they meet with us. No time like the present.” She placed her plate in the sink. “I’m going to hop in the shower, then get to that questionnaire on my laptop in bed. Good night, y’all.” She gave Kristen a hug.

“Thanks for dinner.” She hugged Jacob.

“Good night, sis.” Jacob held on a little longer and squeezed a little harder. She tapped his back and went to the shower.

Her phone vibrating interrupted her as she worked on the questionnaire. She was answering questions about what she liked, where would she like to work and dumb questions like that.

She glanced and saw Tristan’s name. Her face lit up, and her heart skipped a beat. “Well, looks like the day’s getting a little better.” She smiled and laid her computer on her bed as she said hello to Tristan.

The next morning, Stacey walked into Main Street Boutique, the cutest clothing store in their small town, to buy something new for her date with Tristan. She also hoped to see Elizabeth.