“Oh, the boys are already giving my mom some issues. She’s watching them today. Anyway,” she turned her phone over. “Have you talked to anyone yet this morning?”

Stacey shook her head as she sipped from her mug, the warmth of the coffee feeling good as it ran down her throat. “Nope. Just got here. Haven’t even seen anyone yet.” The coffee was delicious, strong, and flavorful, helping her to focus on the now and forget about her dream.

“Well, we are having a mandatory meeting at the end of the shift. Rumor is, they are making some cuts.” Karolyn raised her eyes over her mug.

Stacey’s eyes closed for a beat. “I’ve heard things being tossed through the rumor mills the past couple of nights. Do you know what’s being cut?”

Karolyn shrugged. “Don’t know. Just don’t miss the meeting. I’m sure we’ll find out.” She patted Stacey on the shoulder. “Here’s to a good day and healthy babies.”

Stacey smiled and repeated the lines they all said to each other for good vibes. “A good day, and healthy babies.”

Stacey’s rounds started with checking in on a new mom who had given birth yesterday. Then she entered a room to check on another mom who had just had her baby in the middle of the night. When seeing the name, her face lit up. It was Leila. She didn’t know her well, but she knew that she worked at The Main Street Boutique. Elizabeth, the assistant manager, talked a lot about her.

She knocked before she entered. “Good morning.”

“Come in.” Leila was a young girl, twenty-three years old, with long brown hair and brown eyes. Her hair was pulled back in a low ponytail, and her eyes had dark circles beneath them. She has probably had a hard night.

“Hi, Leila. I saw the lactation consultant leave and thought I’d come check on you.”

She looked up from watching her baby nurse.

Stacey placed a smile on her face. “How’s nursing going?”

Leila placed her baby over her shoulder to burb. She shrugged. “I don’t know. She falls asleep just as she starts eating…” She sighed. “It’s difficult, and I’m tired.”

Just then, there came a quick knock on the door. A pretty brunette with hazel eyes entered all smiles. It was Elizabeth.

“Stace. You’re here.” Elizabeth entered the room and gave Stacey a quick hug before placing the balloon bouquet she carried on the table and hugged Leila. “Oh, she’s adorable.” Elizabeth placed her hand on the baby’s soft head.

“Do you want to hold her?” Leila asked. Almost pleaded.

“Yes, please. I’d love to.” Elizabeth took the baby and cradled her. She smiled and cooed at the little bundle in her arms. Then shot Leila a grimace. “It seems like she might need a change. Do you mind if I change her?”

Leila gave a tired laugh. “Please. Go right ahead. One thing my stepmom told me is to never say no to help with diaper changes.”

Stacey got Elizabeth everything she needed. “She’s one smart woman. You’ll be changing plenty of diapers over the years. Is there anything else you need? Yogurt, water, tea?”

“No, thank you. I’m good for now.”

“Just making sure. So, tell me, Leila, how do you like working at the boutique? I hear that assistant manager can be a real bear to work for.” Stacey nudged Elizabeth, who shot her a playful glare.

Leila watched Elizabeth changing her daughter, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Elizabeth’s been my lifeline these past few months. I don’t know if she told you, but I met her at the pregnancy center. I take her new mom’s class. She’s been so helpful, and I really don’t know if I would have been able to go through with being a single mom if it wasn’t for her.” Elizabeth was surprised a year and a half ago with an unexpected pregnancy of her own. The Crisis Pregnancy Center helped her out, and now she volunteered her time with the women and girls who come in there.

“Oh, Leila, you’re too generous. I just did what I needed to.” Elizabeth picked up the fussing bundle and placed her back in her mother’s arms. The baby immediately started to root for something to eat.

Leila let out a sigh as the baby’s cry turned to a wail. Her forehead creased. “She’s hungry, and I can’t do it. I don’t know how to get her to latch on. The lactation consultant just left. She latched the baby on for me. As soon as she left, she fell asleep. Then you two came in…It’s so hard.” Tears streaked down her cheeks.

Stacey went to intervene, but Elizabeth stepped in. “Let me help. I remember all too well how stressful the first days of nursing can be. Grant and I had a major learning curve. I’ve got this, Stace. I had a great tutor when I had Grant.” Elizabeth helped Leila hold the baby and gave her tips on how to get her to latch on.

Stacey smiled. “I’ll come back in an hour to check on you two. Buzz the desk if you need anything.” She walked out. There’s no one better to help a new mom than Elizabeth. She felt the familiar emptiness that sometimes appeared when watching a newborn loved by their parents. She was almost thirty and pictured herself married by now and planning a family. She pushed those feelings away as she approached the next room. This family was getting ready to head home with their new addition.

She knocked on the mostly open door before entering. “Good morning.”

The room was a bustle of activity. The new mom, Darcey, was dressed and sitting in the chair, eating some yogurt. An older lady was changing the baby and smiling at a man videoing the whole thing.

“Hey there, Stacey. We were hoping we’d get to see you before we left.” Mark, Darcey’s husband, greeted her.

“It’s been a busy morning. But I wanted to stop in and see how things are going.” She walked over to Darcey. “You look packed and ready to go.”