Stacey lived with her brother in the house they bought after their parents passed away five years ago. It was a single-story brick ranch in an older yet well-kept subdivision in a small town north of Nashville. Her driveway was at the side of the house, and she followed the walkway leading the short distance to their backyard and deck. She climbed the few steps onto their deck, picked at the dead petals on one of the flowers in a pot, and walked into her house.

She entered the kitchen, probably her favorite room, as she loved to cook; though she didn’t get to often, but she loved to eat even more. She grabbed a Diet Coke from the fridge, walked into the living room, and fell into the soft chair beside the couch.

The television was on, and Kristen was there as usual, with her head in Jacob’s lap and spread out on the couch. She had her own place but had temporarily moved in with her and Jacob right before Christmas. Her mom moved to Florida and left her house to Kristen as a Christmas present. Kristen was having it updated before she officially called it her own.

Jacob slouched with his feet on the table in front of him, his fingers combing through her hair. “Hey, sis,” Jacob greeted her, pausing the television. “So, how’d the date go?” He sat up taller, disturbing Kristen. She sat up and leaned against him.

Stacey shrugged her shoulders and kept her eyes glued to the screen in front of her. “It was nice.”

A pillow slammed into the side of her head, catching her off guard. She spun toward the assailant. “Hey!” She threw the pillow back at Kristen.

Kristen sat on the edge of the couch, her elbows on her knees, leaning as close to Stacey as she could, and blocked the pillow before it could hit her face. “Nice? Really? That’s all you can say? You were out past your work-night curfew of eight. It’s almost.” Kristen checked her phone. “Holy shit, Jake. It must be serious. It’s after ten!”

“No way!” Jacob wrapped his arm around Kristen, pulling her closer so he could see the time on her phone.

He glanced at Stacey. “Damn, sis. She’s right. You were out way past your work-night curfew.”

Kristen cocked her head until Stacey’s eyes met hers, then raised her brow. “So? We need more. Was it worth the wait? Spill it.” They both sat on the edge of the couch.

Stacey let out a sigh, and her eyes gleamed as she thought about the feel of his lips on hers. “Okay. It was amazing andsoworth the wait.” She leaned back. Her head was on the back of the chair, and her eyes were on the ceiling. “We had so much fun. He’s smart, sexy, funny, sexy, successful, sexy…” Her eyes met Kristen’s “… handsome. Did I say sexy?”

Kristen nodded.

“Oh, and an amazing kisser.”

Kristen squealed and gave Stacey a playful slap. “Yeah, girl! That’s what I’m talking about.”

Jacob grabbed Kristen by her shoulders and pushed her back against the couch. “That’s enough. My turn.” He moved to the edge and got in Kristen’s way so Stacey would be able to pay attention to him. “She’s my sister. Let me interrogate her for a while.”

Kristen laughed and sat back up next to him, placing an arm on his leg. “Fine.”

“So, sis, if he’s so awesome, when are we gonna meet him?”

“Well, nothing like getting right to the point, little brother. It’s been one date. Nothing to write home about.” Stacey took a deep drink of her diet cola.

“You’ve been talking to him for months.”

“Over six months,” Kristen corrected.

Jacob looked at Kristen and gave her a thumbs up. “Six months. You had a great date, and you seem to be attracted to him. We’d like to meet him.”

Stacey turned her head slightly but peered out of the corner of her eye. “It wasn’t a date. It was a meeting.”

Kristen just rolled her eyes. “Semantics. Your brother deserves to meet him.” She glanced at Jacob. “I already have.”

He nodded.

Stacey sighed. “I know you do. I’m just not ready yet. My history with guys hasn’t been good, and I don’t want anyone getting too comfortable around you for me to just dump him eventually. Or him dump me.”

Jacob shook his head. “Way to be positive, sis, and why do you think it will end with you getting dumped?”

Stacey sat up tall and glared at Jacob. “You heard how I described him.”

Jacob sat up and glared right back. “Yeah, I did. You think he’s sexy, and he seems just about perfect.”

She jumped in quickly. “Exactly. Perfect. That’s what’s wrong. He’s too perfect. Everyone who is that perfect has a flaw somewhere. Carl, the guy I dated in college. He was good looking, had money and a good career lined up. Everyone thought he was an amazing catch, and that includes every girl. He turned out to be a rich, selfish, egotistical jerk, and a number one asshole of a cheater. Steven last year. That didn’t last long. He wanted me barefoot and pregnant while he slept around and did whatever he damn well pleased.”

“God, sis. You’re ridiculous. Listen to yourself. You’re giving him shit because he’s about perfect. Then comparing him automatically with your past shit relationships. Not all guys are selfish assholes. You just seem to pick the wrong ones.”