Stacey’s eyes rolled. “Fine, I promise.” Shit. That’s going to be sooner rather than later. Just this morning, Tristan said his goal was to get her to finally say yes.

Her phone pinged right at that moment. She glanced at it. It was Tristan. Seriously? Her heart beat faster.

Seemed like she had to make good on that promise.

Tristan was leaning against a light pole in front of the movie theater. Stacey would recognize him anywhere. What was it about a man leaning that made them look so hot? Much hotter in person than in the screenshots she stole as they Face Timed. His dirty-blond hair was just long enough to blow in the light breeze on this perfect February night. His gray t-shirt looked snug and stretched across his broad shoulders and muscular chest, accenting his honed and well-chiseled abs. Even from this far away, she could see that his jeans were tight and fit perfectly in all the right places.

She made that promise at The Pizza Place a week ago, and later that night, he asked her for this date. After a long reminder that she didn’t do dates. She sucks at them—well, at relationships in general. He finally agreed to call it a meeting of friends.

So, here they are, and it was just a meeting.It’s just a meeting. Maybe if she keeps telling herself that, the fluttering that’s going on in her stomach would stop.

She puffed out a breath and tucked her long, light brown hair behind her ears, then wiped her sweaty palms on the butt of her tight jeans. As she got closer to the corner, she looked across the street at Tristan and really studied him. His blond hair almost covered his eyes when it blew in his face. His eyes were large and curious. Her gaze traveled down, taking in his well-dimensioned features. Then back up.

He was studying her as well. She felt the intense heat from his gaze radiating all the way across the blacktop. The fluttering in her stomach ceased and turned to a brick, causing a sick feeling to take its place.

A smile blazed across his face, showing off the perfect white teeth she remembered and that sexy, little crease in his right cheek. Not a dimple, but a crease.

This is crazy, but God, he’s so hot. Her nerves took over, and her confidence faltered. Why was she here? She forced a smile on her face. Relax. It’s just a meeting with a guy. It’s not a date. Nothing big.

“Hey there, gorgeous.” Tristan leaned in. Was he going to kiss her right away? Yes, they kissed that one quick night at the bar, but then she was drunk. It needed to be avoided. For now, anyway. She turned her head and stood on her toes to wrap him in a quick hug and avoid the awkwardness said kiss would have caused.

He squeezed her tight. Her heart skipped a beat—damn heart.

“You ready?” He waved the tickets in front of her.

Her heart, which just a minute ago skipped a beat, now just failed to beat at all. She glared at him. “I told you I was going to pay for my own. This isn’t a date.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s a ‘meeting.’” His fingers made air quotes. “And I told you I’m old school.”

Her eyes went wide, and her neck heated. She didn’t want a guy to think she was weak and needy. She was a nurse, for God’s sake, and didn’t need anyone to do for her.

She breathed in deeply and blew it out. “Fine. I’ll get the popcorn and drinks,” and walked ahead of him, trying to reach the door first.

He threw his hands up and smirked but reached around her to grab the door anyway and winked. Stacey’s knees went weak.

The movie was entertaining, and the company was even better. They both laughed at the same places and got a little uncomfortable during the sex scene. Tristan’s comments helped to ease the tension. Maybe it was just her who felt uncomfortable. Oh well.

They walked next to each other as they headed to the parking lot. She fidgeted slightly and wiped her palms on her butt again. Her nerves were shot. She wasn’t sure she was ready for the kiss that was sure to come.

She had avoided touching him all night, sat far enough away in her seat so he wouldn’t put his arm around her, and tried to keep her hand out of the popcorn bucket when his went in. Her stomach, though, was a traitor and flopped when their fingers accidentally touched.

Finally, they approached her car, a black Nissan Rogue. She pointed. “This one’s mine.” She stopped and pressed the button on the handle, which unlocked the door.

Tristan’s eyes roamed her face. “Is everything okay?”

She could feel him trying to scratch at the surface and figure out what was going on in her brain. She gave him a small nod and a slight smile.

“Well, good. I had a great time. I enjoyed being with you.” He brushed his fingers from her ear to her chin and held her face tight, stopping her from fidgeting—she inhaled quickly.

She stood still and slowly passed her eyes up until they latched onto his. Her breath caught in her throat. They were so close; his breath fanned her face.

She licked her lips as Tristan’s mouth drew closer to hers. Her heart leaped in her chest. Why was she having such a difficult time with the thought of kissing him? He was very easy on the eyes, and she could look at him all day. They’ve had great conversations on the phone the past month, even before that. He’s smart and successful, good looking, independent, and a gentleman. He’s just about perfect.

That’s the problem. Perfect men don’t exist—at least not for her. Stacey closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Calm down. Breathe. Suddenly, something warm and soft pressed against her lips. Her eyes popped open.What the hell?His lips were on hers, and his eyes were closed. She placed her hand on his chest and pushed him back. Her lips felt empty without his. Wow!

“What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost, or am I that bad at kissing?” Tristan teased.

Stacey shook her head.Don’t act like you’re a saint.She put some space between them and opened her car door. “I really had a great time, and hope we can do it again, but I need you to understand. I don’t do relationships.”