An overwhelming instinct was urging her to drag his head down and kiss him. Alarmed at her own thoughts, she quickly dropped her arms. Where had that come from? She didn’t even like the guy.

Forcing a grin on her face, she stepped back. “And then you had to go and spoil it all by frowning again. Thanks for the dance, Mitch.”

“Don’t you think we should talk?”

“About what?”

“About what has just happened.”

“We danced, Mitch. That was it.”

His jaw was tightly clenched. “You dance like that with every man?”

“I don’t go out dancing much these days.”

“You know what I mean, damn it.”

Sighing, she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. “We’ve danced closely. We’ve reacted to one another. It’s biology.”

His eyebrows rose. “Really? Biology.”

“Yes, biology. You’re an attractive man; I’m a woman; we’ve danced. Bodies react. Hormones, dopamine levels going silly—all can be explained.”

“I thought some things can’t be explained by only relying on facts.”

“Well, in this case, there is a perfectly logical explanation for what has just happened between… between us.” She couldn’t prevent the slight shiver down her spine. “You’re a very attractive man.”

The small smile around his mouth was the only indication he’d seen her reaction. “Do you normally react this way when you’re close to someone?”

“As I’ve said, I don’t go out much. I haven’t been with anyone since Dylan was born.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she realized what she’d said.

Again, those eyebrows rose, this time even higher. “How old is Dylan?”

“Nearly four. But that is so not the point. I’d probably react to just about any man this way.”

“Even Barry?”

She rolled her eyes. “Okay, except Barry. Can we now please change the subject?”

“I still think we should talk about it.”

“To what end? It’s not as if anything can happen between us, ever. If you haven’t heard the story yet, I was literally jilted at the altar three… nearly four years ago. At the same time, I lost the very well-paying job as photographer I had at a magazine in Portland. And, oh, that was just before I found out I was pregnant. My life kinda fell apart. I have a son; I’ve been without a steady job for three years, but I’m finally at the point where, with Aiden and Craig’s help, I have a home for Dylan and myself. I can breathe more easily. Quiet and calm—that’s what I need—not complications. What happened just now? Chalk it up to the wedding, the wine, the dancing, the song—my mom’s favorite, by the way—but none of it is real. Tomorrow morning in the bright light of day, this… whatever it is, would be gone.”

“You sure about that?”

She nodded. “Of course, I’m sure. Besides we’re practically family, and we don’t even like each other. The few times I’ve seen you, you’ve been either frowning or yelling or both.”

Putting out a hand, he lightly touched her hair. “Oh, I like you, Riley with the red hair. That has never been the problem. And just to be clear—we’re not related. I am not your brother or your cousin.”

For one crazy moment, she had the overwhelming urge to turn her face into his hand. A loud laugh from inside the hotel quickly brought her out of the near stupor she was in. Stepping back, she forced out a laugh. “Having been jilted has one advantage—I don’t look at the world through rose-colored glasses anymore.”

By the time she’d finished speaking, he was frowning again. “You’re a beautiful woman, Riley; one would have to be dead not to notice, and I’m not dead. But I’ve kept my distance because of all the reasons you’ve just listed, and I was happy to watch from afar. But now… we’ve crossed a line. I’ve touched you, and all I can think of is kissing you.”

His words fell onto her skin. Kissing. Nearly panicking, she motioned wildly with her hands. “Nothing happened, okay? A lack of sex and overactive hormones—that’s the only reason we’ve… become aware of one another. When did you last have sex?”

The moment the words left her mouth, she’d wished she’d shut up. There was a light in those two extraordinary eyes that she’d never seen before.

“It’s been a while for me, too. I haven’t been interested before tonight. Do let me know in the bright light of day how you feel. That guy, the one who left you at the altar? He’s an idiot. I hope you know that. Good night, Riley. It’s been… interesting.” Turning around, he walked back into the hotel.