After Mitch had left the hospital, he’d phoned the principal at the high school. They’d spoken about Matthew before, and after tonight’s incident, she’d get in touch with the maternal grandparents who apparently lived in Butte.

What Matthew needed was love and a stable home. Mitch inhaled deeply. Not everyone was lucky enough to have parents like he and Vivian and Annie had had.

Children. Marriage. The whole happily-ever-after thing had never even crossed his mind. It would happen someday, he’d always thought. Back in Sacramento, there simply hadn’t been time for anything except work.

Besides, although he had two sisters, he’d always been slightly awkward when dealing with the opposite sex. It wasn’t easy these days to know what was the right thing to do. His dad had taught him to open doors for women, to stand up when they entered a room, to treat them with respect, but he’d discovered the few times he’d dated a woman, things had obviously changed, and that not all women welcomed these gestures. Women nowadays insisted on opening their own doors. He didn’t have a problem with that; he was just never sure when to do what. Not bothering to date had been his solution to the problem.

Anyway, since he and his sisters had moved to Marietta, his main concern was to make sure they were happy. Dating anyone had been the last thing on his mind. Although Vivian and Annie were now married, both obviously in love with their husbands, he’d always feel responsible for them. But living close to them, he could pop in at any time to make sure they were okay. Teaching kept him busy, and life was uneventful. He was content. Okay, maybe not deliriously happy, but who was?

Four months ago, at Craig and Annie’s wedding, his whole world had been turned upside down, though. He’d danced with Riley; he’d held her in his arms, kissed her. She challenged him, made him laugh, made him ache. He’d discovered he liked being with her. He liked the person he was when he was with her.

But it wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted to be friends. It shouldn’t bother him. It wasn’t as if he wanted to be responsible for one more person’s happiness.

Deep in thought, he took out his phone. It had vibrated a few times while he’d been at the hospital. It was a message from Annie. Aunt Janice, Riley, and Dylan were coming to lunch, and he was welcome to join them.

His heart missed a beat. Riley would also be there.

Grimacing, he walked to the bathroom. There was no way he could only be friends with Riley. What was more, she felt the same way. He’d kissed her, he knew.

Chapter Eight

Riley and Anniehad just sat down at the kitchen table to look at the wedding photos on Riley’s laptop, Aunt Janice watching over their shoulders, when the doorbell rang.

“It’s either Vivian and Craig or Mitch,” Annie said as she jumped up.

Riley closed her eyes. She probably should’ve guessed Annie would also invite the rest of the fam, but she wasn’t quite prepared to see Mitch again so soon.

“You okay?” Aunt Janice asked.

“Yes, I’m just admiring Annie’s Christmas decorations,” Riley improvised. “You’ve always made a big deal out of Christmas, and your house is beautifully decorated, but this…”

Aunt Janice laughed. “Annie takes Christmas to a whole new level, for sure.”

“Everyone has arrived!” Annie announced merrily as she returned to the kitchen.

Riley got up from her chair to greet the family. Vivian and Aiden entered first, and right behind them, looking seriously sexy in a blue denim shirt and black pants, was a smiling Mitch. Her heart skidded to a stop. Damn, the man just did something to her.

His eyes met hers briefly before he crouched down in front of Dylan. “Hey, you.”

To Riley’s surprise, Dylan threw his arms around Mitch’s shoulders and hugged him. “Hello, Uncle Mitch.”

Mitch met her gaze, his eyes strangely bright. “Now, that’s a nice way to be greeted. Hello, Dylan. Did you enjoy the Christmas Stroll?”

Dylan nodded. “I talked to Santa.”

“Did you tell him what you want for Christmas?” Vivian asked, ruffling his hair.

“Yes, but it’s a secret,” Dylan whispered.

“Not even I know.” Riley chuckled as Vivian hugged her. “He’s told Aunt Janice, though.”

“Well, if Aunt Janice knows, maybe your wish will come true.” Craig grinned.

“The food is ready, but I want to look at the wedding photos,” Annie said. “Who wants to join us?” Everyone’s hand went up.

“Oh, my goodness, guys.” Riley tried to stop the enthusiasm. “I haven’t finished editing the photos. I was only going to show it to Annie.”

Aiden smiled. “Sorry, sis—you’re here, we’re here, your laptop is here, let’s do this. But the screen of your laptop is way too small—let’s connect it to the television screen. It would be like watching a movie.”