“So, what do you look at when you form an opinion of someone?”

“There are many different basic elements used to determine hidden meanings and traits in a person. The shape of one’s face, for instance, reveals quite a lot. Someone with a high brow is usually intelligent and has an affinity for the arts. For me, the eyes in particular are a way to determine a person’s character. The shape, the color…”

“Yeah? So what does the color of my eyes tell you about me?”

“I don’t know you well enough to know whether you’re predominantly blue-eyed or brown-eyed. There’s a difference. The energy of blue is very strong—people with blue eyes tend to be uncontrollable… Come to think of it, I’ve seen you lose control a few times. If you’re more of a brown-eyed person, you’ll have great leadership qualities. People drain you; they’re like energy vampires. When in love, brown-eyed people are very sensual…” Her eyes widened ever so slightly.

The word hung heavy in the air around then.

Make a joke, lighten the mood. Quickly.

Forcing out a chuckle, he swung her away from him before pulling her back into his arms. “I think I prefer the ordinary explanation of the wordheterochromia.Heteromeans different in ancient Greek andchromacolor.”

Those blue eyes rested steadily on him. “Just about sums up the difference between us.”

Talking was good; it helped him to ignore his reaction to her nearness. “You mean the fact that you rely on myths and I on facts?”

“Some things can’t be explained by only relying on facts.”

“Like what?”

Sighing, she rolled her eyes. “And there you go, scowling again.”

“I’m not scowling.”

“You’ve been scowling all day.”

“How do you know? You’ve never once looked at me.”

“Of course, I’ve looked at you. I had to take your picture a number of times, if I recall.”

“That doesn’t count.”

I love you, crooned the lead singer.

The slight flicker in Riley’s eyes was the only indication she’d also heard the words.

“I think Barry has left or has finally passed out or someone has taken him home,” she said, looking over his shoulder. “We can stop dancing now.”

“The song hasn’t quite finished.” Without any conscious decision, he slipped both his arms around her body, slowing down their movements.

He should’ve let her walk away. Hell, he should’ve pushed her away.

After lifting her arms, she circled his neck. Soft curves fitted perfectly against his body. Ignoring the voice screaming loudly somewhere, warning him to step away, he bent down his head.This is such a bad idea, a little voice was yelling. Think of the potential mess if he were to give in to his instincts. His sisters were married to her cousin and brother—complicated didn’t begin to describe it.

For once, though, he ignored the voice and, with his senses steeped in her scent, her long, silky hair everywhere, he buried his face in her neck.

Chapter Two

Riley’s feet weremoving, but her mind had collapsed, her breathing just about stopped, and she was running on instinct. She hadn’t expected Mitch to pull her closer. She hadn’t expected Mitch, full stop. Big and sexy and smiling. Touching her. Dancing with her. Smiling at her. Awakening feelings she hadn’t experienced in a while. Truth be told, nothing she’d ever experienced before had prepared her for being up close and personal with Mitch Miller.

Her breasts were heavy, aching with an unknown, urgent need; her heart was just about jumping out of her body. And never mind butterflies in her tummy—a whole freaking zoo had been let loose in there.

They were barely moving. Mitch’s hot breath against her neck, the feeling of his obvious reaction to her, had her shivering in his arms.

“Damn it, Riley,” he growled and, muttering under his breath, he steered her outside.

Gulping in cooler air, Riley tried to clear her head. The music, the laughter, the noise from inside the hotel faded.