Chuckling, the driver got out of his car to open the trunk. “You have a woman on your mind?”

Mitch took his luggage from the man, his eyes on the front door. Was it his imagination or was the door open?

“Thanks,” he said, and grabbing the suitcase, he rushed toward the front door.

As he approached, an older woman opened the door wider. She had Dylan’s hand in hers. “You must be Mitch?”

“Uncle Mitch!” Dylan cried and ran toward Mitch. He dropped his luggage and picked up the little boy.

“Hello, big guy. How is your mom?”

“Still sleeping. But I’ve had pizza.”

“Were you the one who ordered the pizza?” the woman asked. “I’m Sally, by the way. Neighbor across the street. Craig phoned me to ask if I’d check in on Riley. He knocked on my door and introduced himself earlier this year when he’d visited Riley.”

“Where is she?”

“Still sleeping and feverish. I was just about to help her into clean pajamas when I saw the car dropping you off.”

“I’m here now. Thank you for your help,” Mitch said.

The woman looked at Dylan before she spoke to him again. “You’re sure you can manage?”

“I’m sure. Thanks again for stepping in. We appreciate it.”

Mitch closed the door after the woman. “So where is your mom sleeping?” he asked Dylan as he put him down.

“Come, I’ll show you.”

Riley was moving restlessly in her bed, tangled up in the sheets. Her face was as white as the sheets she was laying on, making the freckles on her nose and face more prominent. Mitch placed a hand on her forehead. She was burning up.

Trying to stay calm, he took Dylan’s hand. “I’m going to help your mom. Want to watch some television?”

Dylan’s eyes widened. “I’m not s’posed to watch during the day, Mommy says.”

“Sometimes it’s okay. Today is one of those times. Come on, let’s get you settled.”

Minutes later, Mitch was back in Riley’s room. Dylan was watching a children’s story, and with any luck, he’d be happy for a while.

Sitting down next to Riley on the bed, Mitch combed her hair out of her face. “Riley, sweetheart…”

Her eyes fluttered open. “Mitch. Must be dreaming. Mitch… in Marietta.”

“I’m here. For as long as you want me, I’ll be here. How do I get hold of your doctor?”

Her eyes closed again. “Saw him. Meds somewhere.” Her words were a mere whisper, but because his head was bent over her, he’d heard her.

Meds. Somewhere. Where would she have put it? He got up and looked around. A brown paper bag on her dresser caught his attention. Opening it, he took the contents out. He had no idea what the different tablets were, but fortunately, Vivian would know. Dialing his sister’s number, he sat down next to Riley again and picked up her hand.


Cautiously, Riley openedher eyes. The pounding behind her eyes had subsided, and she could swallow without wanting to cry.

As she turned, a strange sound penetrated her fuzzy mind. She froze. What was that? Very slowly, she moved her head. What on earth? She inhaled sharply.

Sitting in a chair next to her bed, his head resting against the back, was Mitch. The sound she’d heard was his soft snoring. As she stared at him, foggy images appeared: Mitch washing her with infinite tenderness, Mitch dressing her, Mitch cuddling her, wiping her face, urging her to drink her meds, feeding her soup. Mitch.

Slowly, she moved up against the pillows.