Craig stepped closer. “On what?”

“On whether Riley allows me to stay.”

Aiden and Craig shared a look.

“You mean you’ll be prepared to stay with her in Portland?”

“If she’ll have me, I’m happy to stay anywhere, as long as she and Dylan are with me.”

Aiden joined his cousin. “Why?”

“Because I love her.”

For a fraction of a second, it was quiet before the cousins grinned.

“Took you long enough.” Aiden chuckled.

Mitch opened the door. “Yeah, well. As I recall, both of you also needed a push.”

Craig’s smile faded. “You hurt her you’ll have to deal with us.”

“I know.”

“What about your job? Your house?” Aiden asked.

Mitch shrugged. “I’ll be back on Monday. What happens after that will depend on what Riley wants.”

Chapter Sixteen

Riley was burningup. She was struggling to breathe, the simple movement of trying to lift her head, agony. What time was it? Where was Dylan?

“Mo-om?” Dylan’s voice penetrated the fogginess surrounding her.

“Sweetie,” she got out, but her throat was so sore, it was an effort to speak.

“You sound funny, Mommy. I’m hungry.”

“Dylan. Where’s Mommy’s phone?” She tried to think who she could call, but her foggy brain could only come up with one name—Mitch. She’d call Mitch.

“Here’s your phone, Mommy.” He put it in her hands.

Riley tried to open her eyes, but the throbbing headache was making it difficult. Squinting, she found her contacts. Mitch. She had to call him. He’d know what to do. Where was his name? There it was. Trying to concentrate, she pushed the button, but the effort to hold onto the phone was too much, it slipped out of her hand.

Maybe Dylan could talk to him. She tried to lift her head, but with a groan, she leaned back again. “Talk to… Mitch…” Closing her eyes, she succumbed to the blackness that had been pulling at her since she’d woken up.


The moment theplane landed in Portland’s international airport, Mitch had his phone in his hand. He had Riley’s address; he just needed to get an Uber to take him to her. Irritated, he waited. Why was it taking so long for the passengers to disembark?

Finally, it was his turn, and he quickly jogged down the stairs, taking in the impressive airport building. He’d read somewhere that the building was under construction and not yet finished.

As he followed the other passengers to collect his huge suitcase, his phone rang. He stopped in his tracks. Riley was calling him. Someone bumped into him from behind, swore, but he only registered it vaguely.

“Riley?” he asked as he moved to the side.

“Uncle Mitch?” the soft voice on the other side of the phone wasn’t Riley but Dylan.

“Dylan? Is everything okay? Where’s your mom?”