Trying to console Dylan, Riley felt like bursting into tears herself. She was doing the right thing. Hers and Dylan’s lives were back in Portland. Her work was there. Okay, she could work from anywhere if she wanted to, but Marietta? Montana?

On top of everything else, yesterday morning’s headache was back as well as an irritating scratching in the back of her throat. She’d taken Tylenol before they’d left Marietta, but this time the irritation refused to go away. Instead, the drumming behind her eyes was increasing by the minute. The last thing she needed now was to get the flu.

“Can’t we get off the plane, Mommy?” Dylan sniffled. “I don’t wanna go back!”

“Oh, sweetie, I have to go to work tomorrow.”

“I could’ve stayed with Aunt Janice,” he cried.

Fortunately, at that point, the air hostess called everyone’s attention, and minutes later, the plane was in the air. Fascinated, Dylan looked down on the scenery below them, his anger at his mother forgotten for the moment. Leaning forward, she pointed out the beautiful Bridger range of mountains to him, trying very hard not to burst into tears.

Without her realizing it, the wide-open spaces, the beautiful mountain ranges of Montana, had crept into her heart. She had, in fact, also fallen in love with Marietta, Montana.

Swallowing against the lump and scratchiness in her throat, she leaned back and closed her eyes. Life wasn’t always fair, as she’d learned when her dad and soon after her mom had died when she’d still needed them so much.

She’d made a home for her and Dylan in Portland. They just needed to be back where they belonged. Things would improve when they were back in their familiar environment.


Vivian and Anniewere waiting for Mitch on the porch of his house when he arrived back home on Friday.

Annie had a basket with her, as always, and Vivian a bottle of wine in her hand. For a moment, he wanted to turn around and drive away. With a sigh, he parked and got out. Best to get the whole inquisition over with as soon as possible. His sisters interfered in his life as he had interfered in theirs. It was what families did. What his did anyway.

“Hi, Mitch,” Vivian said as he reached them. “I’ve brought wine.”

“And I’ve made tapas.” Annie smiled.

Unlocking his front door, Mitch shook his head. “Riley is gone. It’s no surprise. We’ve known all along she was going to leave. I don’t have anything to add.”

“Oh, come on, that’s not true,” Vivian said as she moved into his house. “Aunt Janice said you invited Riley for a drink last night… Oh…” She pointed toward the two clean glasses and bottle of wine still standing on the coffee table where he’d put them last night. “So, she wasn’t here?”

Annie took a platter out of her basket. “Let’s sit down and have a glass of wine.”

Putting his hands in his pockets, Mitch moved toward the window. Where his heart was supposed to be was a big hole. How the hell was he expected to simply forget what had happened between him and Riley and move on?

Although he’d never had a serious relationship, he’d dated, he’d had sex with women, but the intensity of his and Riley’s lovemaking wasn’t something he’d ever experienced before.

“Mitch?” Vivian’s voice finally penetrated his thoughts.

With a sigh, he joined them.

Vivian handed him a glass of wine. “Let’s begin at the start. What happened last night after we left you at the lake?”

“You do know that what happens in my life has nothing to do with any of you?” he tried.

Annie smiled. “Sorry, you broke that rule, if there was one, when you interfered in our love lives. Come on, spill.”

Staring down into his wine, he nodded. “Okay, yes, Riley was here. And we… spent the night together. When I woke up this morning, though, she was gone. Didn’t say good-bye, didn’t leave a note or text. By the time I got to Janice’s house, she and Dylan had already left. She’s not answering my calls, and she’s ignoring my texts. I get the message loud and clear—she doesn’t want to have anything to do with me.”

“She also hasn’t responded to our texts,” Vivian said, frowning. “But surely something must have happened that upset her or…” Her frown cleared. Chuckling, she looked at Annie. “Do you think…”

Smiling, Annie nodded. “You know, you may just be right.”

Mitch frowned. His sisters were doing that thing again where they used ordinary English words, but he didn’t understand a word they were saying. “What are you talking about?”

“You had a good time last night?” Annie asked.

“Yes, we had—that’s why…”