“Yes, I am. Riley, pleased to meet another redhead. We’ve heard about your hot chocolate and must try it, I believe,” Riley said. “Two, please, with marshmallows.”

“Hi, Sage,” a voice said behind them.

Her heart sank. Mitch. Riley tried to ignore him, but Mitch touched her arm.

“Hi. Let me take Dylan.”

Before she could protest, Dylan was in Mitch’s arms.

“One for me, too, please, Sage,” he said.

At the same time, Annie, Craig, Vivian, Aiden, and Aunt Janice also entered the small shop, rubbing hands and calling out for hot chocolate.

Mitch put a hand to Riley’s back, moving them to the side.

“Is your lady friend not waiting for you?” Riley asked below her breath.

“The only lady friend I want to be with is right next to me.”

“She looked right at home with her hands all over you.” The words slipped out before Riley could stop herself.

Fortunately, Sage called out her name. Saved by hot chocolate, thank goodness.

Mitch had Dylan in his arms, though, so she had to wait for him to get his own hot chocolate before they could leave.

“We’ll see you at the tree,” Mitch said before he followed her outside.

As they stepped outside, Sandra was hovering at the entrance, her eyes brightening as she saw Mitch.

Riley turned to Mitch. “You can put Dylan down, thank you. It would be easier while he’s drinking his hot chocolate. Then you can join your lady friend. We’ll wait for the others.”

The moment Mitch put Dylan down, Sandra grabbed his arm. “Mitch! There you are. I…”

Blindly, Riley took Dylan by the hand and, turning away, followed the other strollers down the street. Something had tightened around her chest, making it difficult to breathe. Fortunately, Dylan was unaware of her near panic and kept on chattering.

This was exactly what she’d wanted; she should be glad Mitch had found someone else. Only hours earlier, she’d told him in so many words that there couldn’t be anything between them.

So, why was she upset? Why was the sight of Mitch with someone else stealing her breath?

“Here you are,” Aiden said before he slipped an arm around her. “I know Aunt Janice has conned you into visiting, but we’re all so happy to see you.”

She leaned into his warmth for a moment. “It’s lovely to be here.”

“Where’s Mitch?”

“I don’t know. I caught a few of your articles in the newspaper in Portland. How do you like working from here?”

“Mmm, you’re changing the subject. Okay, but at some point I want to know what’s going on between you and Mitch.”

“Not a thing. He’s with Sandy or Sandra or whatever her name is. You’ve seen them. What else are you doing besides writing for the newspaper?”

With another long look in her direction, Aiden began to talk about his work. Riley smiled and nodded, but she had no idea what her brother was saying. She wanted to turn around, grab Mitch by the hand, and pull him away from the other woman.

She was jealous. She’d never been jealous before. Not a nice feeling.


Cussing softly, Mitchmade his way down Main Street to the courthouse. Where the hell was Riley? He’d turned his head toward Sandra for a moment, and when he looked back, the crowd had swallowed up both Riley and Dylan.