Dylan tugged at Riley’s jeans. “Can’t see, Mommy.”

Riley picked up her son. One of these days he was going to be too big, but for now, she loved that he still wanted her to pick him up.

“Horses, Mommy, look!” he called out, his eyes bright with joy.

Hugging him close, they watched as the parade of horses and carts, a fire truck, a big truck with a waving, smiling Santa, passed down Main Street.

It looked as if the whole town of Marietta had gathered on the sidewalks to cheer on the parade. As far as the eye could see, the street was lined with cheering, happy people as the parade moved along the street.

“Come on, guys, I seriously need that hot chocolate now,” Craig said. “I’m still not used to this cold.”

“But I want to talk to Santa,” Dylan said.

Annie smiled at him. “You will, don’t worry. At the end of the street is the courthouse, and everybody meets there to light the big Christmas tree. Santa will be there.”

“Really?” Dylan asked, his eyes wide with wonder.

“Yes, come on, I can smell the hot chocolate already!” Annie said.

Riley touched Annie’s arm. “I was finally working on your wedding photos when Aunt Janice called. But I promise to finish them before I leave.”

Annie beamed. “Oohh, I can’t wait. We’ve, of course, seen photos other people took on their phones, but I’m so excited to see yours. May I come and look at what you have?”

“I still have to edit…”

“I know, I know, but just a sneak peek?”

Riley laughed. “Of course. What about tomorrow morning?”

“Great. I have guests, but after their breakfast I’m free. What about lunch?”

“Won’t you be tired?” Riley asked.

Craig hugged his wife. “Cooking makes her happy. I’m also looking forward to seeing your photos. Aunt Janice? I hope you’ll also join us?”

But Riley wasn’t listening anymore. Her heart had skidded to a stop. Mitch was standing in front of the chocolate shop talking to a pretty blonde who had her hands on his arms.

“What is Mitch doing with Sandra?” Annie muttered.

“Is that Sandra who has the new deli in town?” Aunt Janice asked.

“Yep,” Annie said. “She’d set her sights on Craig before and now it seems on Mitch.”

“I thought Mitch was kissing Riley,” Aiden added.

They were nearly on top of the couple who were standing in front of the chocolate shop.

“Hi, Mitch,” Vivian called out.

Mitch looked up, his eyes zooming in on Riley. A smiling Sandra turned around to face them, her hands still clutching Mitch’s arm.

Her heart breaking into little pieces, Riley nodded in their direction before she made her way into the shop, Dylan still on her arm.

“Who is that lady, Mommy?” Dylan asked.

“I don’t know, sweetie. What about a hot chocolate? With marshmallows?”

A slim redhead smiled at her from behind the counter. “Hi, I’m Sage. You’re Aiden’s sister and Craig’s cousin if I’m not mistaken.” She smiled, motioning toward Riley’s hair.