Minutes later, the door flew open. A very healthy-looking Janice, dressed in bright yellow, huge earrings dangling from her ears, smiled broadly at them. “What a lovely surprise to see both of you. Come on in, please. I’ve just made tea.”

Frowning, Aiden looked at Mitch, but he didn’t say anything as they followed Janice to the kitchen. “Do sit down. Let me just get the cups.”

“Aunt Janice, are you okay?” Aiden asked.

She turned to them, clearly surprised at the question. “Of course, my dear. I’m very healthy and so happy you and Craig are now also in Marietta. If we can only find a way to get Riley—”

Aiden inhaled sharply. “Aunt Janice?” he interrupted his aunt. “Please don’t tell me you’ve faked being ill just to get Riley to visit? She’s dropped everything to fly to you because she thinks you’re just about dying. Damn it, are you trying your matchmaking skills again? Is that what this is all about?”

This time Janice kept her back to them as she proceeded to make the tea. “I don’t know what you’re going on about. I had a bit of a cough yesterday. Vivian gave me something…”

“She gave you vitamins,” Aiden said. “I’ve spoken to her.”

“Oh, sweetie, relax. I just missed Riley so much.”

“Aunt Janice,” Aiden said sternly. “You can’t…”

The doorbell chimed.

Aunt Janice clapped her hands. “That would be Riley. Mitch, could you help with little Dylan? He’s probably fallen asleep on the way here. Aiden, will you make more tea? We can drink it in the living room.”

While Aiden was still scowling, Mitch followed Janice to the front door. His heart was just about jumping out of his body. Within minutes, he was going to see Riley again.


Riley had Dylanon her hip while she knocked on Aunt Janice’s front door. He’d been sleeping, but she didn’t want to leave him in the car. When she’d parked the rental just now, she’d recognized the two cars in the driveway. Aiden and Mitch’s cars. Did the fact that they were both here mean Aunt Janice was so much worse than what she’d thought?

She should’ve made a point of checking up on her aunt more regularly. Even just a message. Yes, she’d been busy, but she should’ve made time, she should’ve…

She knocked again. Not quite an easy task because in front of the door was a huge Christmas wreath. Aunt Janice had always put one on the front door of their home while she’d been living with them, Riley remembered. She was clearly still going all out for Christmas. All the windows of her house facing the street were also decorated with bright Christmas lights.

The front door flew open. Aunt Janice stood there, smiling. Relief made Riley slightly dizzy for a moment. Behind her aunt Mitch appeared. Her heart sighed. It wassogood to see him.

“Riley, sweetheart, I’m so happy you’re here. I’ve just missed you so. Now that both Craig and Aiden are in Marietta, I even miss you more. Hello, Dylan,” she said softly, touching his face. “Ahh, look at him, he’s grown so big over the past four months!”

Riley was so flabbergasted, she couldn’t get a word out.

Mitch stepped forward. “Hi,” he said and before she knew what he would do, he bent down and kissed her. His warm lips touched hers only briefly, but she felt the kiss right down to the soles of her feet.

Gently, he took the sleepy Dylan from her. “Hi, buddy, I’ve missed this face.” He was talking to Dylan, but his eyes were on Riley.

Inhaling deeply, she tried to clear her head. “Aunt Janice, what’s going on? Last night… you were coughing, and you told me you were feeling poorly and were in bed.”

Grinning, Aunt Janice reached out and pulled Riley into a hug. “Oh, sweetie, I may have exaggerated a tad, but it was time for you to visit again, don’t you think? Come on in. You’re here, and I’m so, so happy.”

Over Aunt Janice’s shoulder, she watched Mitch with Dylan. Her son had woken up and was smiling at Mitch.

“I’ve made more tea!” Aiden called out from the direction of the kitchen.

“Please say you’re not angry with me?” Aunt Janice pleaded.

Sighing, Riley shook her head. “It’s not going to make any difference, is it? You’ve conned me into visiting you! Next time, just tell me you want me to visit; I’ve been sick with worry. I couldn’t get hold of Craig or Aiden to find out what was going on.”

Aunt Janice took Riley’s arm. “I know, and I’m sorry for worrying you, but it’s not the same without you here. I haven’t heard from you for a while and… well, here you are.” She beamed.

Aiden came down the corridor with a tray in his hand. “Hi, sis. Dylan! How’s my favorite nephew? All grown up and going to school, I hear.”

“I don’t like school,” Dylan announced. “Mom, look—it’s Christmas in the house.”