Page 19 of King of Country

“I’m going to head out. I’ve got a mess to deal with in the morning.”

“The roof?”

I sigh. “Yeah. Among other things.”



Welcome to Oak Grove, Texas.

The knot of doubt in my stomach tightens as soon as I spot the innocuous blue-and-white sign, decorated with a single star. Two flights, a forty-minute drive, and I’m almost there.

But there’s no sign of the relief that typically accompanies successfully completing a task or making it safely to a destination.

I’m worried. Stressed. Out of my element in every single way.

Everything has moved at warp speed since I agreed to Carl’s ask. Going to my mom’s, packing most of my wardrobe to avoid making decisions, saying goodbye to Lauren and Serena, and then heading to the airport early this morning. Trying not to second-guess the whole time.

This is my shot to have the career I want, and I can suffer through one unpleasant task in order to make that happen.

At least, that’s what I’ve spent all day telling myself.

Serena and Lauren were excited when I told them I was leaving on a work trip. Lauren told me to charge a spa day to the label. Serena hugged me and said to fly safe, but I’m certain she was internally cheering over having the bathroom to herself. We share one while Lauren’s is connected to her bedroom.

The car keeps moving past all signs of civilization. I glance worriedly at the GPS, then back at the road. Slam on the brakes when I realize I’m about to rear-end a tractor. The airline-issued water bottle propped between my thighs flies forward, the contents soaking my legs and the footwell.

Damn it.

I grit my teeth as water drips down my bare calves, take the next left prompted by the cheery navigator, then continue straight.

More of the same scenery passes by—open fields and open skies.

So much flat land.

So much blue stretching overhead.

And then I’m instructed to take a right, one that will supposedly lead to my destination, and the air-conditioning blasting from the vents isn’t nearly enough to counteract the moisture gathering on my palms.

There’s no town. No neighborhood. No people.

Maybe I should’ve driven to the hotel first.

Linda arranged everything for me—the flights, this rental car, the bed-and-breakfast where I’ll be staying.

I figured heading straight to the source was better than delaying the inevitable, but I’m now reconsidering that decision too.

A ball of panic expands in my chest as I angle up a dirt driveway toward a scattered collection of buildings.

Should’ve said no, I think. Sitting in my office sounds better than this. I can keep slipping demo CDs under doors. Keep finding little-known bands in bars with sticky floors and hoping they’ll catch a big break from someone with the power to hand it to them.

But it’s too late.

I’m here, the long driveway ending in front of a two-story house.

I’m committed.

And I refuse to back down.