Page 102 of King of Country

“You work a lot,” she comments.

Kyle chuckles beneath his breath.

Our food arrives a few minutes later. My salad wouldn’t win any culinary awards, but it’s not bad. Kyle slides his coleslaw toward me, and Bailey donates her corn to the cause too.

I hand Kyle back his credit card when the waitress sets down the bill, not wanting to get in an argument about paying in front of Bailey. He slips it into his wallet, pulling cash out to pay instead. The bills get set on top of the receipt, not quite covering theCall me!scribbled at the bottom above a number.

I look away, doing my best to ignore the silly tightening in my stomach.

He’s not mine.

And he never will be.



“Happy birthday!”

“Yeah. Thanks, man.” I clear my throat, picking at a splinter in the post. Mist is burning off the fields, dissipating in the sunshine.

“Am I the first one who remembered?” Hudson asks.

“Mabel called around five. Left a message.” No matter how many times I explain texting to her, she continues to act like it’s a foreign concept meant to be avoided.

“They getting back soon?”

“Monday, I think.”

“So, are we hitting up Wagon Wheel tonight to celebrate?”

“Actually, I was thinking about heading up to Mayville instead of staying in town. Hank Reynolds said his son is playing at Whiskey Cowboy tonight.”

“Sure, that sounds fun. I’ll send a group text out, let everyone know.”

“Sounds good.”

“Pick you up at eight, okay?”

“You don’t have to drive.”

“You’re on the way. It’s not a problem.”

“Okay, thanks.” I focus on the SUV rolling up the driveway. “I gotta go. Someone’s here.”

“Okay. See you later.”

“Bye.” I hang up and shade my eyes, trying to see who’s in the car.

Jamie climbs out of the passenger seat, wearing a grim frown instead of his usual grin. His right arm is resting in a navy sling.

“Hey,” I greet.

“Hi.” Jamie’s tone is glum.

I nod toward his arm. “What happened?”

“Got hit in a scrimmage. Fell funny and ended up with this.” He gestures toward the sling, a disgruntled expression on his face. “Don’t think I’ll be any help around here for a while.”