Page 64 of King of Country

“Bet you wish you had those rain boots now,” Kyle calls out.

It’s hard to hear anything over the falling rain. But he’s close enough that I catch those words, and it feels like they’re lingering in the wet air.

Water soaks the ends of my hair and streams down my arms as I stare at him. “You remember that?”

Kyle laughs, but it’s not really an amused sound. There’s something else hovering beneath, something I’m missing. “Yeah, I remember.”

“I hadn’t gotten much sleep.”


“You asked why I was wearing rain boots when it was sunny out. I hadn’t gotten much sleep. My youngest brother, Alex…we were on the phone during one of his breaks, and his unit got an emergency call. It was hours before I heard he was okay. So, I hadn’t gotten much sleep and literally grabbed the first shoes I found on my way to work. Probably why I was a little…prickly that morning.”

One corner of Kyle’s mouth lifts. “And what about every other time I had a meeting?”

I’m pretty sure I’m blushing. Hopefully, between the hat and the rain, he can’t tell. “You always seemed…I don’t know. Too perfect. It annoyed me.”

He chuckles, but there’s an edge to it. “I’m a long way from perfect, Piper.”

“You’re different here. There’s no act.”

“There was never an act. Everyone there was working to make me a success. I wasn’t there to be a dick about it.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry.”


I roll my eyes and tug down the brim of my hat so it protects more of my face. My cheeks are getting damp despite the cover.

“So, that’s your type?Imperfect?”

“At the moment, no. I’m focusing on me. Work.”

“Good for you.”

“I do miss sex,” I blurt out.

In the pouring rain, that feels like an acceptable thing to say to a famous singer I’m attracted to.

Now, I’mdefinitelyblushing.

“Me too.”

I summon the courage to look over at him, discovering Kyle appears nonplussed by the topic.

I’ve never had a close guy friend. Maybe this is normal to discuss. Not that I really consider Kyle a friend, but I’m more comfortable around him than I am most people. He’s seen me at my most unpleasant, so there’s no pretense to hide behind.

“Having a hard time finding someone who’s interested?” I tease.

Everyone in Oak Grove seems to be a Kyle Spencer admirer. And I’m not even sure it’s because he’s a celebrity to the rest of the country. It seems like he’s his own brand of famous here.

He smiles briefly. “More like it started to bother me that I couldn’t tell which guy a woman wanted.”

“Miles or Kyle?”

Something warm lightens his expression before he looks back at the field. The rain is still falling, but it’s turning to a drizzle. “Yeah. Exactly.”

“What about Sutton?”