Page 116 of King of Country

And I lean back in my chair and enjoy bantering with my best friends, telling myself I have time to decide.



Atruck rolls up the driveway, a cloud of dust trailing behind it. But it’s not the one I’m waiting for.

I set my last suitcase inside the trunk of the sedan and close it, forcing a feigned smile on my face as I turn to greet Mabel and John.

“Hi! Welcome home!” My voice is too high. Too cheery. Too fake. Exactly how I sounded when I first arrived.

But neither Mabel nor John seems to notice.

Mabel climbs out first—more nimbly than I’ve ever looked when descending from a truck cab, I’m sure. She looks around like she’s been gone for decades, not a little over a week.

Itfeelslike she’s been gone for decades. Feels like I’ve lived a different lifetime since they’ve been gone.

John tips his hat toward me once he’s out of the truck as well, a small smile curling up the corners of his lips as he, too, takes in his home like it’s a long-lost family member. His eyes widen visibly when he spots the shiny new roof, black metal glinting in the sunshine.

“You leaving?” Mabel abandons John to pull out their luggage from the truck bed and strolls over to me.

“Yeah.” I fiddle with the keys in my hand, rough metal scraping against my palm. “The label decided it was time. Lot longer than I’d planned on staying.”

“Told you Kyle was stubborn.”

“You did,” I agree. “And…I understand why a little better now. I think he’s making the right decision, walking away.”

Mabel’s eyes flash to mine. In the short time I’ve known her, I’ve never seen her look more surprised.

“He told you about Ada.”

It’s not really a question, so I don’t answer it. I didn’t know that was his mom’s name.

“Did you have a nice trip?”

“We did. Long journey but a worthwhile destination. Easy to forget there’s a big ol’ world out there when you’re tucked away on a place like this.”

A short time ago, I would have strongly disagreed with that statement. But now, I find myself nodding along because I understand exactly what she’s saying. This place feels like its own universe.

“Well, I should get going…”

Another cloud of dust appears, this time behind the truck I spent most of the evening and all morning peering through the windows for. Now that it’s here, that I know he’s not lying in a ditch somewhere, a pulse of anger works its way through me.

Mabel follows my gaze as Kyle parks his truck by the barn and climbs out. His shirt is wrinkled, and his hair is messy, but otherwise, he looks fine. Healthy. Normal.

He stops briefly by John’s truck to greet his uncle but keeps glancing this way. I busy myself with rearranging the trunk and running through a mental checklist to make sure I have everything.

And then he’s here, wrapping Mabel up in a hug.

“It’s good to see you,” she says affectionately.

I wrap my arms around my waist, staring at the ground. Dig a tiny hole with the toe of my boot.

It’s stupid I’m wearing them, but I am. A final farewell.

Doubt I’ll get much use out of them in New York.

“Could I talk to Piper for a minute?” he asks Mabel once they’ve caught up.