Page 45 of Ghost Dick

Two new arrivals have landed in the cemetery since the ceremony, a car accident outside of town. No one claimed the bodies, so we took them in. This happens from time to time.

Some are accidental. Some want to reside here in their afterlife so they do what I did… just on the edge of town. If no one claims them, we will. Fallon needs to help them transition, it’s her duty. Explaining the do’s and don’ts and making them feel comfortable. Darla is helping for now, but we need to get Fallon out there to take over.


Harper was over for like three fucking hours talking her ear off. I had to leave and smoke a joint in my room. It was too much.

Harper is another one that I think, do you ever stop? Is there an off switch? Fucking energizer bunny, that one is.

Fallon showed off her new party trick, though, the blue blood baddie that she is.

Harper loved it. As Harper would.

The first few days after everything, Fallon was still slowly absorbing it all, and was less vocal than normal. Which was alarming since she's usually shouting at me for something. She spent time with her dad, and they would spend all night talking some evenings. It’s not like he’s been dead long. Fuck if I know what they could be catching up on.

It must be a daddy daughter thing?

It doesn’t bother me, it’s just… What do you talk about for that long?

I couldn’t imagine talking to Joanie for more than fourteen seconds.

Ding dong, the bitch is dead! So that point is irrelevant.

Anyway, since Harper left, Fallon, my little minx, has been trying to break into my room.

I can’t call her my stupid little girl anymore… She’s fucking superhuman now and could probably kick my ass. I’m testing new ones out to avoid that.

I’ve tried calling her my kinky gopher nipples, my tight pussy, and my dirty devil. All three she has shut down and absolutely hated.

So now, she is my little minx, but don’t worry folks, she will always be my desperate little slut in bed. She is what she eats, and she begs for my cock regardless of her mental state.

The doorknob falls to the floor.

What the fuck.

This isn’t her first attempt, but it is the first time she’s gotten this far.

She pushes the door open and walks in, pride written all over her face. Smiling ear to ear and dropping her handyman tools to the ground.

“You're impressed, right?”

I’m leaning against my windowsill, slow clapping for her. “You did it. You killed the doorknob.”

“You’re such an asshole,” she mumbles while checking out my space. It’s dusty as fuck. I don’t clean, I’m not sure if you have noticed, but I don’t exactly scream molly fucking maid, do I? But the room is the same as it was when I died. A couple of posters of hot chicks with cars are on my wall, some sports shit on my shelves from my dad; with a few books, a dresser and desk making the room up, along with the bed.

“It’s not what I expected.” My little minx announces.

“Oh?” My eyebrows raise.

“Yeah, I thought maybe it would look more like Satan's lair. More flames and horns and less of this.”

“Sorry to disappoint. It is a normal room. With a normal view of the Angel of Death.”

She goes to speak, but I stop her before she can. “Wait, let me guess. Such an asshole?” Fallon laughs. It’s exactly what she was going to say.

Popping up behind her, I wrap my fingers around her neck. “I’ll show you asshole.” I kick the door closed with my foot, and it slams shut.

Letting go of her briefly, I turn into my spirit form and grab her throat again with my hand. This time lifting her up and throwing her body against the door, a loud bang echoes in the room as her body connects with the hard wooden door and she falls to the floor.