Page 73 of Heart to Heart

“Come on, Holly,” Levi took my hand to pull me along with him. “Cops are on their way.”

“Not without Liam.”

“What we’ve been through is not the same, Holly,” Liam’s voice was gentle as he urged me to go with Levi. “Not nearly. Go inside with your brother. I’ll make sure he doesn’t go anywhere while we wait for the police. That’s it, okay?”

“The police?” Jared scoffed. “What would we possibly need them for?” He stood and brushed himself off.

“To arrest your stupid ass, Jared,” I shot out. “Think about it.” I could see him becoming aware of how far over the line he had gone. Maybe he was sobering up.

“Stay right there,” Liam growled. “If you run, I will chase you. And I promise you won’t like what happens after that.”

I realized Liam needed to see this through to the end more than I did. He was a protector. It was part of his nature. If I didn’t let him take charge here, he’d feel like he failed me, and I couldn’t allow that to happen again. So I followed Levi into the house and watched through the windows as a squad car pulled up to arrest Jared.


Two Months Later


The first few weeks after Jared’s arrest were rough. It sent Holly back into the fear cycle she’d been lost in when she came back to Sweetbriar. We had slept with the lights on, and she barely left my side.

But between therapy, talking things through with me and Cade, and Luke and I taking her out to Jed’s to join our PTSD group, she was on the mend once again.

And as for Jared, it was unlikely he’d do any time, but he appeared to be properly chagrined now that everyone in town had found out what he had been up to all these years. Between his humiliation, his horrified and apologetic mother, and the restraining order, it was doubtful he’d ever get near Holly again. And if he did, he’d have me to deal with. Not to mention, Holly herself. Once the fear started to dissipate it was replaced with a profound amount of anger.

But now we were back to where we were. We’d earned the right to the peace we’d found together, and I was about to make it permanent.

Dinner was waiting for me on the table when I arrived at Holly’s shop after closing time. And I knew I was in for a treat.

Occasionally, Holly would greet me at the door wearing an apron and not much else. She called it living out her ‘wifey’ fantasy.

Meatloaf and mashed potatoes were always on the menu for wifey night, with snickerdoodles for dessert. It was the only thing she could cook, and it was my favorite.

“Honey, I’m home,” I called, playing along.

“Hello, dear,” she drawled as she popped out of the kitchen clad in an apron that said, “Kiss the cook” with lacy yellow lingerie peeking out from the sides. I couldn’t wait to see it, but I had an agenda tonight.

She was about to get a whole lot more than a kiss.

She didn’t know it, but I was about to make this little game we sometimes played together a reality.

Forget moving in together. We were past that now.

I wanted to marry her.

“Sit down.”

She pouted. “But I wanted to—”

“Let’s make this game real. What do you think?”

Without a word, she sat at the tea shop table she had set up for our dinner.

I crossed through the store and got down on a knee.

Holly gasped, her right hand flying to cover her mouth. “Oh my god. Liam, please make this real.”

I glanced at her left hand daintily sitting in her lap.