Page 65 of Heart to Heart

After a few seconds of blissed out silence while I collected myself, caught my breath, and regained my footing, I answered. “I had no idea you were so filthy, Liam.” I panted as I stood there trembling in his arms.

He didn’t answer. However, the grinding thrust of his erection into my stomach said it all.

“All that sweetness and good manners covered up a lot, huh? Like, you literally made me come in less than two minutes.Ican’t even make me come in less than two minutes. I need at least five and a fully charged friend. You have a gift. One that I’m determined to exploit every day for the rest of ever. God, I’m sorry I talk so much.”

He shrugged with a grin, then buried his face in my neck. His beard was wet against my skin, and I wished we could go home and spend the rest of the day in bed together.

He licked up my neck to my ear to whisper, “I’m going to think about this for the rest of the day. How pretty and pink you are, how tight. The way you tasted and how wet you got for me. I can’t fucking wait to get inside you again.” His thumb pressed against my clit before he gave it a little pinch. “Be ready for me when we get home.”

Holy shit.

“But I’m ready for younow,” I whined. “Waiting is not my favorite. That’s something you should know about me. Let’s go into the bathroom. We can be fast.”

He took a step back, hands at my waist. “The festival is about to start.”

I whimpered out, “I don’t care anymore. All I want is you.”

“You’ll have me, baby, and I’ll give you all you can take—later.”

“Damn it.” I stomped my foot like a bratty kid, pulling back to shove my finger in his chest. “You’re mean.”

“Didn’t I just get you off in under two minutes?” His answering laugh was adorably smug. “Your legs are still shaking from it, and you already want more. You’re a greedy little thing, aren’t you?” His teasing voice lit me up. He was right; he made me greedy, and needy, and fricking desperate to get him inside me again and I didn’t care where. Maybe I should get down on my knees, suck him off, and drive him just as crazy as I felt right now.

“Mean.” I pouted. “Okay, fine, you’re not mean, you’re very generous and I appreciate your special skills. Thinking about your dick has made me completely irrational and I’m sorry.”

“Yoo hoo! Hollyberry!” It was Gram.

Liam smugly handed me my panties and I slid into them. “Damn it, Liam. You’re the one who’d better get ready. Your place or mine? Once we step through whatever door we’re going through, I’m going to be all over you.”

“My place. I have to feed Cheddar. Go talk to your grandma, sunshine. I should probably wash up before I head out there.” He ran a hand over his beard and winked at me.Gah!

“Coming, Gram,” I shouted brightly as Liam headed for the bathroom.

“Oh, you’re all rumpled,” Gram observed with a sly grin. “Straighten your hair, sugar pie, and untuck your dress from your underwear,” she hissed. “That should be the first thing you check. Always.”

“Oh, crap, Gram. It’s not what you think—”

Liam came striding out of the back room at the precise moment the lie shot out of my mouth, he untucked my dress from my panties, then dropped a kiss to my forehead as he passed us on his way to the counter.

“Uh-huh, sure. This is exactly what I think it is, honey, and good for you. Don’t forget who you’re talking to.”

“Okay, fine. Liam and I are together. But we are never talking about this.” I circled my finger around with my eyebrows up and she nodded.

“Agreed. What you get up to with your new hunk is your business. My goodness, I can’t tell you the number of times your grandpa and I almost got caught when we were up to no good together. Youth is wasted on the young.” She let out a nostalgic sigh. “Anyhoo, let’s get outside, it’s about to start.” She grabbed both my hands and gave them a squeeze. “Our first Sweetbriar Street Festival.”

I squeezed back. “It’s official. Rosemary’s Apothecary is open for business.”

“Come on. You have to see the gorgeous banner. The permanent version will be on the store next week, just in time for opening day, and I can’t wait.” We crossed the shop and went out the front door. Violet waved to us from behind the counter on our way with a huge grin on her face.

We made it through the door, and I froze.

The banner saidHolly’s Apothecary.Beautiful gold letters on a deep green background.

My name.

“Gram?” I murmured as Liam came up from behind to wrap me in a big bear hug and kiss my neck.

Gram beamed up at me. “Ultimately, it’s your store, honey. You’ve done all the hard work and you’ll be the one to run it and keep it going. I was just along for the ride. I figured it’s only right that it has your name. Do you like it?”