Page 63 of Heart to Heart

“Why? You can do whatever you want to me right here. Isn’t it beautiful out here with the sun finally coming out to shine?”

“Not as beautiful as you are.”

We spent the rest of the day making love in my garden on a quilt in the grass and whispering our plans for the future.



Ihadn’t been to a Sweetbriar festival since I left town, but I used to enjoy them as a kid. The Sweetbriar Street Festival was fairly new, but from what I could tell as I peered out the front window of Vi’s shop, it was a typical example of how overboard this town went when it came to celebrating itself.

Main street was blocked off from end to end with traffic being rerouted through a few of the side roads. The town’s center courtyard was already decorated with balloons and banners while all the community buildings that surrounded it—the library, city hall, police and fire station—had their doors open to visitors with representatives stationed outside to greet them. People were already gathering in the courtyard to wait for the festival to officially begin and I was gradually becoming overwhelmed.

Liam had helped me put together my display. I didn’t need a booth, as I was lucky enough to score the spot directly in front of Violet’s shop. She let me move the tables and chairs out of the covered patio area adjacent to the front door. We set up two long tables in an L shape. I had mini free samples as well as an array of things to sell. If my store was a success, I’d eventually have to hire help to make my products, but for now I was sticking to a very small-scale collection and stuff I would make to order.

My eyes bugged out as I watched people setting up their booths. There was even a stage set up at one end of the street with a wooden dance floor in front. Various local bands were scheduled to play throughout the day.

A surge of panic shot through me.

What had I been thinking?

How was I supposed to fit in with all these experienced business owners when I had no idea what I was doing?

I huffed out a big breath and said, “Sheesh, this is going to be huge. This is way more than I expected.”

“It’s a big deal,” Violet remarked as she joined me at the window. “I get swamped all day long every year. Having your booth right out front is going to be amazing for you.”

Her shop was in a log cabin themed shopping center across the street from the community courtyard where all the city buildings were located.

“This is too much. Am I really ready for this type of event? My store isn’t even open yet—”

She pulled me in for a quick hug then wrapped her arm around my shoulders as we watched what was happening out the window together. “First of all, you’ll be fine. All my baristas will be here today so I can pop outside and help you whenever you need it. And second, this will be a huge boost for your business. Everyone in town will get a chance to see what you have to offer.” She scoffed. “I hate to say it, but Jared was right about that. Where is he, anyway? I expected him to be glued to your side all day like the pesky little dipshit he’s shown himself to be.”

I let out a soft laugh. “He’s busy escorting Gram around.”

“Oh boy, and probably being subjected to a few of her colorful stories too, am I right?”

“Well, since she referred to him as her ‘good lookin’ beck-and-call boy’ when he ran into us this morning, I’d say yes. Mental torture is definitely on her agenda for the day.”

“God bless that woman. Hopefully it works so you don’t have to take care of him yourself. I get how awkward it has been for you. Probably annoying as hell, too.”

“You could say that, but it’s over now. According to Luke, every permit has been approved and is now on file. Rosemary’s Apothecary is ready for the grand opening next week. All the ducks are in a row and there is nothing Jared can do about it now, not unless he wants to look like a huge unprofessional asshole. Mom is friends with his mother, but she doesn’t expect me to tolerate his shit on her behalf.” I shrugged, no longer concerned. “So, I’m done with him. Today is his last chance to act like a normal human being and be my friend. If he chooses to keep being a chauvinistic pest, then I’ll handle it.” I wanted to be an adult about this. I wanted him to fade away and leave me alone. He was not a good person, and I wanted him out of my life with no conflict or drama. But I had the feeling that was probably too much to wish for.

“Good for you. Oh, here comes Liam with your banner and fliers!” Luke’s office was across the parking lot from Violet’s shop. McCabe Construction had a table set up out front of their building, but since Lily was due to give birth this month, Luke would not be leaving her side. They were officially on baby watch, so Liam would represent the business today and handle anything that came up until Luke went back to work.

“Rosemary’s Apothecary is official now. Once that banner goes up, there’s no going back. I can do this. Can’t I?” I tried and failed to keep the slightly panicked tone out of my voice.

“Hell yes you can. You’re already doing it, and I’m so proud of you.”

Her reassurance meant the world to me. I took a steadying breath. “I’m doing this,” I repeated. A small grin slid across my face. “I still can’t believe it.”

“Well believe it, girl. Liam is about to string up your banner. Don’t look until Gram gets here, she wants you to see it together for the first time. I’ll text her to ditch that weenie, Jared, and get over here.”

“I can’t wait.” I headed for the sofa in the corner to wait.

“Where’s your grandma?” Liam asked as he headed my way with a grin bright enough to light up the entire town. God, he was gorgeous. And hot, and kind, and good with hands, and his dick, and his mouth, and everything he’d ever done, or will do in the future.

Damn, I had it bad.