Page 62 of Heart to Heart

He squeezed me tight. “We’re both lucky.”

“I put a man into a coma, Liam.”

His sharp intake of breath was the only response he gave.

“I was asleep in my tent. Hiking a trail I’d been on enough times that I felt comfortable there. He cut through the side with a knife then held it to my throat.”

“Sunshine . . .” He breathed as his arms tightened around me. He knew not to react. He’d been through enough himself and had enough therapy to know that listening was what I needed him to do.

“I fought. Got the knife away from him. Then I shoved him off me and tackled him hard. He hit his head on a rock when he fell. It knocked him unconscious, and it took days before he woke up. I wasn’t the only one he attacked that night, but I was the last. They said I won’t have to testify. There’s enough evidence to put him away for a long time without my help. But even though it’s been over for months it wouldn’t stop haunting me until now. I talked to the cops after it happened. A therapist. My dad. Cade. But I couldn’t get all of it out of me until right now with you.”

After a few minutes spent holding me tight and stroking my hair, he said, “I’m proud of you.” He ducked his head to look me in the eyes. “You’re a strong woman, Holly.”

“Thank you. And I know it will never fully let me go—things like that never truly go away. Just, in this moment right now, with you, it’s not here.”

“I feel that all the time when I’m with you.” I tipped my head back to see his face as he spoke. “You give me peace.”

I smiled. “I’m glad I told you. Now there’s nothing between us.”

His lips met mine. And I turned in his lap so I could put my arms around him and hold him back.

We sat there in the sun, letting the moment settle into our hearts as we felt the peace we had discovered in each other soothe us.

Finally, Liam broke the silence. “Big day tomorrow.”

“Rosemary’s Apothecary makes its debut at the Sweetbriar Street Festival tomorrow. I can hardly believe it.”

“I can. You’re amazing.”

I bumped him with my shoulder. “I could say the same about you.”

“I think we should move in together,” he suggested, his fingers drifting lightly along my spine.

“Here? We can pack up Cheddar and your stuff and make everything official after the grand opening. It will give us time to get everything ready.”

“I love that idea.”

“Good. Now I have to tell you something.” I winced.

“Uh-oh. That sounds a bit ominous...”

I took a deep breath. “Gram and I are riding with Jared to the festival in the morning.”

His body tightened beneath me. “Why?”

“Uh, please don’t freak out. I have zero proof of this, only a gut feeling. Jared has always had a crush on me, ever since we were kids. I have this weird feeling he’s planning on jerking me around with the permits for my store if I don’t play nice with him.”

“Oh, well you have nothing to worry about. Call him and cancel. Luke texted me earlier. Everything is done. Permits have been processed, approved, and filed. Rosemary’s Apothecary is good to go.”

I whipped out my phone and texted Jared immediately to cancel. “Yay!”

Liam huffed out a deep sigh. “I do not like that guy.”

“I don’t either. Never have.” I grinned up at him with relief flooding through my system.

He kissed me and the relief was soon replaced with heat.

“Let’s go inside,” he growled against my lips. “Let me take your mind off everything.” His hand slid between my legs, stroking gently as he whispered how much he loved me in my ear.