Page 54 of Heart to Heart

“Your faith in me helps.”

“Duh, I know it does.” Her eyes shone with gentle laughter in the early morning sunlight as she poked me in the side. “Admit it. I’m the big sister you always wanted.”

“I’m five years older and a foot and a half taller, but okay.” This was a running joke between us, and it never failed to make me smile.

“So, uh, we finally decided what to name the twins.”

“Oh yeah? ’Bout time.” I chuckled. “You’re about to pop any day now, aren’t you?”

“Yup.” She rubbed her bigger-than-a-beach-ball belly bump. “It is imminent, and I can’t freaking wait. You have no idea how uncomfortable this is and I’m so ready tonothave to pee every twenty minutes. Anyway, back to the subject at hand. Baby McCabe number one will be named Easton—”

“After Luke’s mom and Jed. I love that.”

“And baby McCabe number two will be named Carter.” I met her tear-filled gaze in surprise. “After my little brother.” She nudged my arm with hers while swiping beneath her eyes with her other hand.

“Lily. I’m—” I clenched my jaw to kill the sob in my throat. “I’m honored. I don’t know what to say. I—are you sure you want to do this?”

“Totally sure.” Her face split into a wide grin. “This could not be more perfect. You and Luke have been brothers for years, and we have our thing, of course.”

“Of course.” Her teasing laughter chased my tears away and I smiled.

“And these boys will carry on all of it.” She patted her belly decisively.

“I am all out of words. Or maybe there aren’t any adequate enough to describe how I feel right now.”

“You don’t have to say anything. Just know you are part of this family forever and there is no escape for you now that names are involved. It has been made official, Liam. I have declared it so.”

I felt one of the babies move against my side where she was pressed against me. “Name that one after me,” I joked.

“You got it.” She tried to wrap an arm around me for a sideways hug but couldn’t reach across her belly. “Damn it, Liam. I owe you a big hug. Put it on my hug tab. Leaning into you just isn’t good enough.”

I shifted on the swing and carefully wrapped her in my arms, laughing when she still couldn’t reach to hug me back and patted my sides instead. “It’s on your tab,” I joked.

We pulled apart then sat together watching the sunlight filter through the tall pines that both surrounded and wound their way throughout the property. “I think I messed things up with your sister today,” I confessed.

“No, don’t worry about that. You didn’t.”

“I hurt her. I know I did.”

She looked at me. “You haven’t. But you could if you’re not careful.”

“You didn’t see her face when I left.” I let out a sigh. “She deserves someone better than me.”

“Bullshit.” The word came out harsh, like the crack of a whip. It startled me into full attention and sent the argument I was mentally preparing straight out of my head. “Do you know what she said to tell you when she texted me?”

I shook my head as my heartbeat echoed in my ears and pounded hope throughout my body with every beat.

“Give yourself grace, Liam. That’s what she said.”


“I don’t know if I can do that when no matter what you say, IknowI’ve messed things up between us—”

“But you have to. There isn’t any other way to get through this life, and you know it. Are any one of us perfect? Is Holly perfect?”

I turned when I heard boots crunching through the gravel at the side of the driveway.

“She’s right.” Jed agreed. He had baby Calla in his arms. He took a seat in one of the Adirondack chairs across from the swing with a pointed look aimed my way. “Not a single person on this planet is perfect. We all make mistakes, get scared, run away, say things we don’t mean. Shit happens, Liam.”