Page 34 of Heart to Heart

Since I first saw her, it washer.I felt the possibility of it then, but I sure as fuck knew it now. I’d been starved for someone like her, someone who could understand me and what I’d been through. Not only understand it, but want to help me through it. Her compassion and empathy were irresistible, her beautiful face and body were beyond temptation.She was mine.And I would do anything for her—including keeping distance between us right now, if that’s what she needed.

I pulled reluctantly back, holding her at arms’ length.

Her eyebrows pinched together in confusion. “Liam...?”

“We don’t have to do anything. We both know holiday hall passes aren’t a real thing, we both know we’re not quite ready to get serious, and it’s okay if you change your mind. Are you sure you want to do this?”

She stepped close, her soft hands sliding up my chest as a look of certainty flashed in her eyes. “I am if you are.”

“Oh, I’m sure. You have no idea what you do to me, do you?” Her nearness was as much comfort as it was torture, but nothing would tear me away as long as she wanted me to be here.

“Probably the same thing you do to me.” Her voice faded out into the air between us, but I heard every word.


She nodded. “Let’s go. A kiss against the wall again would be hot, but I’d rather get cozy with you.”

Without a word, I swept her into my arms and started up the stairs. Cozy sounded amazing and I didn’t want to wait. Midnight had passed; we were running out of time.

“Liam! You can’t carry me up two flights of stairs and a spiral staircase!”

He laughed. “I can’t?”

“I’ll rephrase. I believe you absolutely can, and while this demonstration of your astounding musculature has me feeling all feminine and girly and might actually make mesqueeout loud, you don’t have to do this. I can walk.”

“Tonight will end, sunshine, along with our excuses, and I want you as close as I can get you while it lasts.”

“Squeeeee,” she murmured with a grin as she looped her arms around my neck. “How are you so amazing?”

“It’s all you. You bring it out in me.”

“Oh my god . . .” She tucked her head against my chest, and I huffed out a gentle laugh as her body went limp and she relaxed into my arms.

I stopped briefly on the second set of stairs to drop a kiss to the top of her head. I thought about how she fit into my arms right now and how she’d fit herself right into my heart like she belonged there from the second we’d met.

I met her while lost in a cloud of grief and doubts and little by little she’d become an essential part of my life. She was one of those things that was perfect as they were—the perfect friend who gave me the exact comfort and care and fun I needed.

Did I really want to risk this?

She was becoming one of the most important friendships of my life.

Why should she be saddled with someone as damaged as me?

I couldn’t even fucking sleep for fuck’s sake. I doubted more than I was sure of, and I knew in my bones she deserved better.

“I can hear you thinking. Quit it.”


“You’re wound tight tonight, Liam. I can tell. The gears in your head are spinning out of control.”

“Oh yeah? Maybe I need somebody to unwind me.”

“I’m good at that. March that hot ass of yours upstairs and kiss me. Whatever is bothering you, forget about it.”

She knew me so well. “What if I can’t?”

“I have shit I can’t let go of too. But tonight is not about that. Tonight has somehow become about me and you shoving everything bad to the side and letting ourselves feel good for a change. We can think about it tomorrow. Fuck the consequences.”