Page 16 of Heart to Heart

“There’s nothing to worry about,” Luke said. “I did a thorough inspection just like you asked. After a few minor repairs and the remodel, it’ll be good to go. In fact, Holly, you can move into the top floor rooms in two, maybe three weeks if you want to.”

“Really?” I perked up. I was dying to have my own space, though the thought of being alone here at night was freaky as hell.

“Absolutely. I have Owen scheduled to start work tomorrow morning.”

“Not Liam?” Gram asked with a sly grin aimed my way.

“He’s supervising. He’s tied up helping me with another project at the moment. But don’t worry, he’ll be around to help once the demo is finished.” Luke grinned back at her.

“Knock it off,” I hissed at her when Luke turned around. “No matchmaking, remember? You’re my safe space.”

I didn’t know Liam would be here “helping.” What did “help” consist of anyway? The thought of being here while he worked made me shiver. He’d definitely be wearing a tool belt while he ripped up the carpet and knocked down the rear wall and all the other stuff on Gram’s list. Every task would absolutely cause all kinds of flexing of his astounding musculature. What if he took his shirt off to work? I gulped.

No way.

I couldn’t allow it to happen. My crush on him was desperate and pathetic, and completely out of control. Like, I was pretty sure I might have humped his leg a little bit in my sleep, but he was too much of a gentleman to mention it and I was a mortified mess, so like hell was I going to say anything about it.

Despite what I had told him this morning about not being a stranger, I just knew having to see him for more than a few minutes at a time would do my head the rest of the way in. I needed Vi’s counter between us and a coffee shop full of people around or I’d tackle him clean off his feet and hump the rest of his body.

“Why can’t you do it?” I asked Luke, trying to appear casual as Gram winked at me knowingly. “Shh,” I mouthed at her.

“I have another project going on. I don’t have the time, or I would do it myself.”

“Okay. I see.” I tapped my foot on the floor. I didn’t want to ask for someone else to do the job. Luke was already giving us the family discount. Making demands would be rude. Plus, I didn’t want to make Liam look bad by refusing to let him work here. I was so screwed. “I mean, I’m sure he’ll do a great job.” I didn’t have a problem with him, I had a problem withme. Since the moment I first saw him, I’d been struggling to act like a normal adult woman and not a thirteen-year-old superfan locked in a room with their favorite boyband.

“Of course he will, Holls,” Lily agreed. “He’s awesome. It’s going to be amazing and I’m happy for you. But I need to eat. These babies are stealing all my energy. I fell asleep in the car on the way here. Let’s go to Vi’s and get breakfast, Gram. Meet us there, Holly.”

“I have to head off too,” Luke said. “Owen will be here in about an hour to drop off the dumpster. I’m assuming you don’t want to keep anything downstairs, right?”

“Right. Clear it all out,” Gram confirmed. She welled up. “Looking around this place has made me nostalgic. I can’t wait to see it up and running again. Grandpa would be so proud of you, Holly.” She wrapped her arm around me and squeezed me in a cozy side hug. “You too, Luke. You know how much he always adored you. Thank you for helping me bring this old house back to life. She’s got a lot of years still in her, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, I do.” He swiped a hand beneath his eyes as Lily hugged him around the waist. I’d noticed he had become quite sentimental after his return to Sweetbriar, but, then again, he’d always been a sweetheart. “I’m glad you’re happy, Rosemary. It’s my pleasure to help. And on that note, I have to get back to work.”

“I’ll see you later, sweetheart.” Gram gave him a hug, then yanked him down to her short level to kiss his cheek. He waved goodbye and left. “Breakfast is my treat, girls. Let’s get a move on.”

We shuffled toward the door, and I wondered if I could get Jude and Levi to help me move in when it was ready before realizing all I owned was a couple boxes full of clothes and I should just do it myself. How sad was that? “I’ll catch up with you. I want to look around a bit more. Check out the upstairs and maybe choose a room or something.”

“We can wait for you.” Lily offered.

“No. Go on to Vi’s and feed those babies, Lil. I kind of want to be alone here for a little while.”

Gram smiled softly. “Take your time, honey. Dream a little bit while you’re here, it’s okay. Grandpa and I used to love living here and I know you will too. Once the place gets cleaned up, of course.”

“Yeah, and after we hold an exorcism and burn some sage to chase out the ghosts,” Lily tossed over her shoulder as she left.

“Nice, Lily. Thanks for leaving me with that.”

“I’m here to help!” she shouted. “Just not today...” Laughter flowed behind her, and I grinned, watching from the porch as she helped Gram into her car and drove off.

After stepping back inside and spinning in a circle I took it all in. Sure, it was a dusty, gross mess right now, but this house used to shine. It was massive but Gram had always made it cozy and homey and welcoming. I vowed to do the same.

I finally had my own place.

Step one to fixing my life.Check.Steps two to a zillion, ready to go. I should make a list.

Holly’s De-fucking Up Her Lifelist.

I darted up the stairs. I knew exactly which room would be mine. The turret room has always had my name written all over it. Whenever I used to spend the night here with Gram and Grandpa, I always called dibs on it. I ran up the two sets of stairs, then continued up the spiral staircase that led to the top floor. Floor to ceiling windows covered every outside wall in the turret. I smiled huge as I recalled how much joy I used to get waking up with sunlight streaming over every surface of the room. It was almost as good as sleeping outside. There would be enough space for a bed and side table. I could keep the rest of my things—once I bought some things, that is—in one of the bedrooms next door.