On that, I was still being selfish, maybe. Especially when I saw her tonight, in that red dress, looking like my heart come to life, beating right in front of me. And all I wanted to do was touch her. Take her in my arms and make her surrender in pleasure.
Make her want me.
But she was right. Ignoring her at the wedding reception fucking sucked for us both. But I couldn’t look at her, not in front of our family. Because they’d know, wouldn’t they? They’d know, just like my friends did, that I was fucking crazy about her.
I wanted her alone. But she didn’t want to come back to my room with me. Because of her family. She had a right to want to spend this night with them. With her mom.
She’s leaving them, too.
Don’t be fucking selfish.
So I waited.
The reception was over at midnight, so just before midnight, I went down there. The banquet room was pretty cleared out. The DJ was playing some slow song and the staff were already starting to clean up.
Jolie was gone. And when I didn’t see her there, my heart started pounding, fast and hard.
I went up to her room; she’d pointed it out to me after we had sex in the hallway. I knocked on her door. Twice. And I waited.
But she didn’t answer.
I wondered where she was. If she was with her cousins. If I should call her, or text. I turned to leave—and there she was, in the hall, right behind me.
I fucking sighed. “You’re here.”
She had to have heard the relief in my voice.
“I just tried to go to your room,” she said. “But I don’t know what room you’re in. The front desk wouldn’t tell me—”
I grabbed her and kissed her. We kissed and kissed, for long minutes, just clinging to each other as the rest of the world disappeared. Nothing mattered but her mouth against mine, her body against mine, our hearts slamming together.
Then I remembered where we were.
“Open the door,” I told her. “I want to take you inside.”
She did.
“You look gorgeous in this dress,” I told her, and as soon as the door was shut, I unzipped the back and tore it off her. She wore a silky lingerie set, and I tore that off, too. I gripped her face and looked into her eyes. “You’re wearing colored contacts.”
“For Margot.”
She shrugged. “For the wedding photos.”
I shook my head at her slowly.My little dove.“How many times am I gonna have to tell you that your eyes are fucking gorgeous, for you to believe it?”
Her lips opened and she sucked in a breath. “Keep saying stuff like that to me,” she whispered. “It’s like air.”
“You’re beautiful and perfect,” I told her, kissing her face. Then I walked her into the washroom, kissing her soft skin all the way. “Take out your contacts. And wash off your makeup. I want you naked.”
I stripped off my clothes as I got the shower running. And when her face was clean, I pulled her in under the warm water with me.
The sides of her hair were up and the rest was down. She gazed at me, her beautiful blue/green eyes wide, as I dug gently through her hair and plucked out the pins that were holding it up. Then I tipped her head back under the water. I soaked her hair and got her body all steaming and warm, and then I kissed her again. I kissed her and kissed her as the warm water ran over us.
I just wanted to feel her, naked against me.