Page 232 of Irresistible Rogue

I laughed softly, watching them.

Then Shane’s eyes collided with mine, as we both looked at each other at the exact same second. Aunt Marie had disappeared.

“Do you want to dance?” he asked me.

Dear God, yes.


I barely got the word out before a hand landed on Shane’s shoulder and squeezed. “Shane. How’s it going, brother?” Joss. He held out his hand and they did a casual handshake, and my stomach sank as Joss settled into Marie’s vacated seat and they got talking.

Darcy was right behind Joss and they clearly wanted to chat with their brother.

I slipped out of my chair. “Here, have my seat,” I offered Darcy. Then I dashed off to the ladies’ room to freshen up and get my shit together.

He asked me to dance. Once his brothers had a chance to chat with him, we’d dance.

When I emerged from the ladies room, I went over to the table where Mireille and Charlotte were still sitting. Ashley and Matt were now dancing with Danica and Dani. I visited with my aunt and cousin for a while, keeping an eye on Shane and his brothers. All four of them were sitting together at one end of the head table now.

It was nice to see that, really. I didn’t want to interrupt.

But in the back of my mind was this terrible doomsday clock ticking down, and it was just getting louder and louder.

My plane was leaving in less than twenty-four hours.

Shane’s eyes met mine a few times, briefly, and I wondered if I should go over there. If he was ever going to break away so we could dance. If there was anything I could do that would get him to come over here.

Something good.

Something bad.

Did I want to be a bad girl? Misbehave in order to earn punishment, to get his attention?

No. And yes.

I’d take his attention any way I could get it.

When he looked at me, it felt like entire galaxies were spinning inside me, like I was basking in the glow of a secret moon that was all my own, and a thousand dark stars were bursting apart, burning only for me.

I’d never felt like that when any other man looked at me.

How could I walk away from that?

All he had to do was say one word.


Or another word; I’d take many.Want. Need. Love.

If he wanted me, if he needed me, if he told me he loved me… I knew now, I’d stop everything. My entire life, halted in its tracks for that man. Time and distance would mean nothing. I’d live wherever he wanted me to. The world would stop spinning and I would just stay put, waiting on the next word from him.

I’d follow his orders.

I’d do his bidding.

I’d service his every desire.

I’d even get down on my knees and beg, if he wanted me to.