Page 222 of Irresistible Rogue

And theywerefleeting.

Maybe because I found them so unnerving that I didn’t let myself hold onto them. Instead, I stirred the pot, creating conflict, when there didn’t have to be any.

Maybe that was what disturbed me the most. I didn’t know how to just sink into it. Whatever I felt for her… Surrender to it. Just be at peace with it, for however long it lasted.

I just did not like losing control. I couldn’t control her life. It was out of my hands that she was leaving, and I fucking hated it.

She was in control of that, but it was affecting my life, too.

You love her, idiot.

Just call it what it is.

At least be man enough to be honest with yourself if you can’t be honest with her.

Fuck, did I love her.

It was glaringly obvious to me by now.

Was it obvious to her? And to everyone around me?

Because it was obvious to me when Dane fell for Devi, like long before he fucking admitted it.

I glanced at my friends, sitting at the bar, sipping their drinks and watching me like I was the night’s fucking entertainment.

Who put a bar in a gym anyway?

“What?” I barked.

Johnny’s eyebrows rose. He cast a glance at Lex. “Do you want to tell him or should I?”

Lex looked amused. “I’m wondering if we should just leave it to Dane…”

“Dane isn’t here. I don’t think this can wait.”

“Whatcan’t wait?”

“Well, Shane. It’s Wednesday,” Lex informed me.


“She flies home on Sunday,” Johnny said.

I stopped doing calf raises and looked at them again.She.They were talking about Jolie, obviously. How the hell did Johnny know that she was leaving on Sunday?

Or that it mattered to me at all?

Just then, Dane, accompanied by Johnny’s girlfriend, Angeline, walked into the gym. “Dane’s here,” she announced brightly. She stopped short when she caught the vibe in the room, and the sight of my scowling face.

Dane didn’t stop. He just strolled in take a seat at the bar next to Lex.

I glared at him when he smiled at me. Fucker was all privacy and discretion, his life walled in security and secrecy—until it was someone else’s life,mylife, that was up for discussion.

“What did I miss?” he asked lightly. He knew exactly what he’d just walked into.

Had they been planning this?

“Uh, do you guys need anything?” Angeline offered, slipping over to Johnny.