Page 214 of Irresistible Rogue

“It’s okay. I have Jacob now, right?”

I tried not to visibly cringe, but I couldn’t help it. I was still dreading being in the same room as Jacob and Shane, at the wedding. And at the rehearsal, if Shane actually showed up for it.

It still felt wrong. Like I’d betrayed Jacob by doing the nasty with his son behind his back. Over and fucking over.

Yet I wouldn’t change a thing. Not a moment we’d spent together.

Except maybe that stupid non-fight or whatever it was in the limo the other night.

“Okay, I need to get this off my chest,” I told her. “If I don’t tell one of you, I’m gonna lose my mind. I mean, Madeleine knows, but that’s it.”

Danica looked both concerned and intrigued now. “Oh?”

“I did something you might think is crazy. I guess I’ve been… kind of afraid to tell you.”

“Okay,” she said carefully. Then she rubbed my knee. “Lay it on me, Jolie. Don’t be afraid. I love you.”

I sighed again.“I think I’m falling in love with Shane.”

She blinked at me. “You’re… falling… for Shane? Madrigal?”


“Oh. Uh…” She looked unsure of which way to go with this information. And from the look of awkward concern on her face, I realized she figured this was some unfortunate puppy love thing, on my part.

“Oh. Wait,” I added. “I didn’t mention that I had sex with him. We screwed. A lot. I probably should’ve led with that. It would’ve made more sense.”

Her eyes went wide. “You had sex with him?”


And that’s when Dani walked in. Because the woman could probably smell sex talk in the air.

“Hey. What am I missing?” she demanded, instantly sensing gossip as she put down her bag from the liquor store.

Danica looked at me likeAre we telling her?

There was no reason not to tell her. Dani was the one who told me to screw him in the first place.

“I was just telling Danica,” I confessed. “Remember that night when you told me to have sex with Shane? Well, you kind of got into my head, and…”

Dani’s face absolutely lit up. “You had sex with him.”

“Like, lots of sex.”

“That night??”

“Yeah, that night. And… many nights since then. And, um… days, too.”

“Well.” Dani blinked at me. “Good for you.”

“It’s not good. It’s very not good.”

“Why?” She narrowed her eyes at me. “How was it? Did he not make it rain for you?”

“Oh, don’t do that,” Danica said.

“Why the hell not?” Dani demanded.