Page 18 of Irresistible Rogue

“Because I’m fucking fun.” I flopped onto one of his couches. “Remember high school? You used to be fun, too.”

Dane just leveled me with a cool look over his laptop. “You cannot fight Moe Brampton.”

“Yes, actually, I can.”

“Let me rephrase. You cannot fight Moe Brampton with three weeks’ notice andwin.”

“Thank you for the vote of confidence.”

“He will demolish you.”

“I disagree.”

He sighed inaudibly and went back to typing. “I really don’t think you should take this fight.”

“Why the fuck not?”

“Call it a gut feeling.”

“Tell me that’s really how you make important decisions in business.”

“It is, actually. A lot more than it used to be.”

“I’m taking the fight.”

He shook his head. “How did this even come about?”

“You saw how he called me out online, right? The YouTube video? I sent you the link.”

“Yes, I saw it. Do you wanna tell me why Moe Brampton is suddenly so worked up about you that he publicly challenges you to a fight? He’s a pro MMA fighter.”

“Whatever. He’s past his prime.”

“He doesn’t fight on the underground circuit like you do.”

“So? I guess he’s desperate for some hot press and a big, splashy fight. Courtesy of yours truly.” I gave him a winning smile.

Dane just looked skeptical. “Why?”

I sighed. “Okay, so, Johnny and I were at the bar last night, and—”

“Oh, Christ. Whenever you start a story with a line like that, I know it’s not gonna be good.”

Fair enough, considering our buddy, Johnny O’Reilly, was a rock star and he and I had stirred up some legendary shit over the years. But still. “Calm down, Grandma. We didn’t inhale. Johnny’s been a good boy lately. He’s all wrapped up in that Angeline chick. She was there, too. So were Lex and Talia. We just had a few civilized cocktails.”

Hearing his brother Lex’s name, Dane stopped typing and scowled at me. “Why wasn’t I invited?”

“You were invited. You didn’t come, asshole.”

“Hmm.” He seemed to accept that explanation because we both knew it was fucking true. “Proceed.”

“Anyway. Johnny and I are standing at the bar to get another round for the girls while Lex is taking a piss, and this guy bumps into me.”

“Jesus. Are you mentally sixteen?”

“Can I just tell the story? He bumps into me and whadya know, it’s Moe Fucking Brampton, MMA legend. He pretends he doesn’t see me there, but he totally fucking did. I ignore it. Then Johnny says, ‘Hey, isn’t that Moe Brampton and did he just bump into you on purpose?’ Johnny wasn’t trying to stir up shit or anything but I was just in a mood and then I couldn’t get it out of my head and then I turned around and told Brampton that if he wanted to push me around like a bitch, he should do it in a ring.”

Dane sighed.