Page 185 of Irresistible Rogue

I was spinning with the realization thathe didn’t come. He didn’t get to climax. He didn’t fuck me.

He didn’t make me touch him at all.

And floating in my bliss, I thought of something Aunt Madeleine said.

He’ll be utterly focused on your experience, on your needs. On your total pleasure.

He’ll get off on it.

He kissed my temple and whispered, “You don’t ever have to beg me, Jolie.”



Icouldn’t stand to let Jolie out of my sight tonight.

But I couldn’t exactly stay over here, at my dad’s place. My car was in the driveway. Too good a chance, even if I tried to slip out in the morning, I might get caught. And I knew that would upset Jolie.

So after I’d let her rest for a while in my arms, I slipped out of her bed.

“Where are you going?” she asked me softly, stirring.

“I’m just packing some things for you and taking you home.” I walked into her closet and turned on the light. I found her tote bag, the one she brought to my place when she spent the night, and I tucked some clothes into it.

When I stepped out of the closet, she watched me as I opened her dresser, looking for her underwear. “Snooping again?” she teased.

“Taking care of you,” I corrected her, as I packed her a couple of panties and a bra. “I really hope you don’t have plans for the rest of the weekend, because I’m keeping you for a while.”

She watched me as I tucked her phone and her wallet into the bag. “As your prisoner, until you say otherwise, right?” she said softly.

I smiled at her a little. “Something like that. That okay with you?”

“Yes, that’s okay with me. Just don’t forget my glasses, please. And my contacts are in the bathroom.”

“I’ll take care of it, little dove. Just rest.”

I went in the bathroom, got her contacts, her toothbrush, her hairbrush and a few other things I thought she might need.

Then I got her out of bed and helped her get dressed. “I’m so sleepy,” she said dreamily as I pulled a soft sweatshirt over her head.

Then I checked that the coast was clear, the hallway outside her room dark and empty, before I took her out to my car. I packed her up and drove her out of town, to my secret house in the woods.

* * *

In the morning, I was up before Jolie. I left her sleeping in bed as I got up and quietly got dressed.

Then I wrote a note for her and left it on my pillow.

I stepped outside, into the fresh morning air that smelled of evergreen trees. The house was surrounded by woods. There was a narrow path off to one side that wound through the trees, and all the way to a park where there was a decent running trail. I jogged the entire loop, and when I got back to the house, it was quiet.

I figured Jolie was still in bed, so I got the coffee on for her before I went to wake her up. Possibly with my face between her legs.

But as soon as I got the coffee brewing, she slipped into the kitchen. She leaned on the wall, watching me. She wore a T-shirt and jean cutoffs that I’d packed for her, her pink glasses and a soft smile on her face.

“Clever,” she said, holding up the little piece of paper I’d left for her. “A note? Really?”

“Hey, this time you stayed.”