Page 175 of Irresistible Rogue

“Open the door, sweetheart.”

When he called me sweetheart, it did something to me. I felt like a kitten must feel when it’s been stroked very nicely on the head. I probably would’ve involuntarily purred if I could.

I unlocked the screen door and slid it open, then backed up to accommodate him as he stepped into my room. I almost expected him to grab me right away, but he didn’t.

He shut the screen door behind himself, and the glass one. Then he stood in front of me, looking down at me for a long, aching minute.

That was when I noticed there was something in his hand.

The crop.

“I would’ve thought you’d received enough attention tonight, little Domme,” he said as I blinked at it. Then he touched the tip of the crop to my chin and tipped my face up, his gaze seizing mine. “But maybe you haven’t had enough.”

Then the crop moved away, and he stepped past me, walking deeper into the room. I turned to watch him. “I’m no Domme,” I said softly. “I was just… playing.”

He laid the crop on top of the dresser.

Then he went into the bathroom. I could see him through the open door. He was washing his hands.

Washing the blood off his hands.

My eyes strayed back to the crop, lying ominously on the dresser. Maybe it was just incidental; he didn’t bring it in here intentionally. He wasn’t planning touseit or anything. He just happened to have it in his hand.You know, when he got it out of the backseat and brought it with him.

And then stood in the yard with it while I showered.

And climbed the house with it.

I stared at it, then at him, as he emerged from the bathroom.

He doesn’t do anything unintentionally, a little voice inside me said.

Finally, he spoke again. “You know I could see you from out there. Anyone could see you.”

“No one’s in the yard.”

“I was.”

“And then you just casually climbed the wall?”

“Maybe you forget, I grew up here. I know every way in and out of this house. If there’s a naughty little girl up here trying to hide from me…” His eyes raked over me. “Walls and locks won’t keep me out.”

I swallowed fiercely. “I wasn’t really… flirting with that guy. That couple. I mean, it didn’t mean anything.”

“I know it didn’t. Not for you.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“The problem is I gave you an order and you seemed determined not to follow it, even when it put you at risk.”

“At risk of what? You took me there. You said it’s safe.”

“It is. When you obey my orders. Now, how do you think I should handle your misbehavior?”


“Your insubordination.” His eyes flashed with that glimmer I now knew well.

Right now, it made me nervous and excited at once.