Page 168 of Irresistible Rogue

Shane looked into my eyes for a long moment, but then he finally released my throat. “It’s right there.” He nodded toward it, the glowing pink sign on the far wall above the entrance to a dark hallway. “Come right back,” he ordered. “I’ll wait for you here, at the bar.”

“Okay.” I had to forcibly pull myself away from him, from the power in his wolfish eyes, and went straight there. But before I stepped into the dark hallway, I glanced back.

Shane was standing at the bar, alone, still watching me.

* * *

Unfortunately, when I emerged from the ladies’ room a few minutes later, I didn’t feel any less jealous, even after a moment to catch my breath and ground myself in the fact that Shane had brought me here tonight.Me, not anyone else.

Because Shane was still standing at the bar, in the exact same spot. But he wasn’t alone.

And he wasn’t looking over at me.

Maybe because he was too busy looking at Lamborghini woman.

I stopped dead.

There she was, with two other women, all three of them gathered around Shane. They were fawning all over him. I could tell from here. He was smiling a little, sipping his drink, not touching any of them, but Lamborghini woman had her hand on his arm and she was talking, laughing away with her friends.

The way she was touching him, standing so close to him… she looked like she was his girlfriend. Like they were here together and she was blathering to her girls about how amazing he was.

And he was just standing there, letting them drool all over him.

They were well-dressed, wealthy-looking women who were probably in their thirties, and they all had great hair and nice figures. He had beautiful women literally lining up to screw him in this place.

And suddenly, without him at my back… without his attention and his calm command of the situation, I felt… lost.

Out of place.

What was I even doing here?

Did I really need this voyeuristic, probably masochistic glimpse into his sex life?

I blinked, staring, as my face grew hot. I didn’t even know what to do.


A woman’s friendly voice snagged my attention and I glanced to my left. She was leaning on the wall in the alcove closest to me. She smiled at me and waved me over.

The door behind her stood open, but I couldn’t see what was inside. There was no guard at the door.

I glanced at Shane, but he was still at the bar with those women.

I turned and went over to her.

“Hi,” she said, her eyes widening as I approached. She looked about my age. She was thin, with a pixie haircut, light blue, and a couple of piercings in her lips. She wore a little black dress, not that different from mine, and extreme platform heels. “I love your outfit.”

“Thank you. Those shoes are… pretty amazing.”

“Here, check this out.” Before I could react, she took my hand and placed something in it. I looked at it. I was pretty sure I was holding a riding crop. Like the kind that was supposed to be for horses. But I definitely didn’t see any horses here.

“Feel it,” she said, running her fingers along it. “It’s so soft.”

I ran my fingers along it, hesitantly. It was soft. Either buttery leather or imitation leather, I couldn’t tell. It was black, with a red tongue at the end.

She was staring at me with big, hopeful eyes like she wanted me to love it.

“Did you make it or something?”