Page 161 of Irresistible Rogue

Maybe it would just have to remain a secret. All of it. My brief affair with Shane and the time he took me to a sex club.

“So, how do I get my membership here again?” I inquired innocently. I was teasing, but maybe I just wanted to know what he’d say to that.

“Trust me, it’s out of your budget.”

Well. I wasn’t sure I liked how quickly he shut that down. “Are you sure you don’t mind questions?” I asked him. “Because I have a lot of them.”

He touched my chin, turning my face to meet his eyes. “As long as you won’t be upset by the answers.”

“Because… you’ll be honest with me?”

“I will.”

I looked around, perusing the people around us. Including a woman, not far away, who was holding a drink for a man on his knees, while he took a sip. It reminded me of how Shane had held my wine glass for me the night we talked about limits, while I took a sip.

“Hmm,” I mused. “I wonder if I could be dominant. You know, just for fun.”

His smoldering voice in my ear taunted me, “I don’t think you’re cut out for that, little girl.”

I gave him what I hoped was a sassy look. “You don’t know.”

But instead of reprimanding my sass, he smirked.

“So, how does it work? All these people just showed up at the door with a fistful of money and said ‘Hey, I’m kinky, let me in’?”

“Not quite. Money isn’t all it takes. You’ll need it if you want to stick around, but that’s not how you get through the door.”

Tantalizing. Suddenly, I was dying to know how he’d gotten into this place. “How did you first get in?”

“I met a woman who was one of the trainers here.”


“The people who train the slaves.”


“Yes, Jolie. Slaves.”

“Like sex slaves?”

“Yes, that.”

“Isn’t that… I don’t know, illegal?”

“Willingsex slaves, Jolie.”

“Oh.” Heat coursed through me at the thought… “Is that… Is that what I’m supposed to be?”

I looked at a young woman on her knees, not far from us. She was wearing green lingerie and a leash, which was held by a man in a suit who stood next to her, talking with some other men like this was all perfectly normal.

Shane touched his knuckle to my chin and lifted my eyes to his again. “Slaves and submissives are not the same thing. A slave exists solely to serve.”

I swallowed. “To… obey?”

He ran his thumb over my lips. “Little dove. Don’t stress. It’s my responsibility to take care of you. And I will. Now just enjoy yourself. Look around, and see what you like.”

I looked around and my eyes landed on the beautiful bar. “I think I’d like a drink.”