Page 159 of Irresistible Rogue

“Uh… he tried to fuck you?”

“No. A woman I was with.”

“But… you’re a paying member. I wouldn’t think he’d want to piss off a client like that.”

“He probably doesn’t. But sometimes a dominant man wants what he wants.”

When I looked at Shane, he was gazing down at me under lowered eyelids. “We’re all just wolves, little dove. And alphas don’t always play nice together. Most Doms are territorial, and greedy as fuck.” He wrapped his fingers between mine and held my hand as we stepped through the doors into the ballroom. “And while we’re on it, from here on in, don’t give anyone your name.”


In the ballroom, it felt a lot like an upscale nightclub. Dark, with moody lighting and lots of tables for seating, with room in between for mingling. There was a huge, circular bar in the middle, and beyond that, a dance floor. There were some people dancing already. There were also small platforms along the edges of the dance floor where women, obviously professional dancers, were dancing up above everyone else. They were wearing clothes, but not much.

My eyes were already zooming all over the place just trying to take it all in, but with the darkness and the throbbing lights over the dance floor, it was hard to lock onto all the details. I saw flashes of skin and leather and powerful-looking men in suits everywhere. My head was gonna explode.

“Let’s take a little walk around,” Shane said, guiding me along. “So you can get comfortable.”

Yeah, that didn’t seem likely anytime soon.

These people wereallinto kink stuff? So into it, they came out to a sex club to get their freak on?

As I looked around, a lot of people just looked like regular partygoers. Like they were just hanging out at any party or bar. But the other ones…

There were women and men down on their knees on the floor. There were people wearing collars,leashes, that other people were holding. There was no full nudity, not that I could see, but I did see both women and men who were almost naked. Nothing but a g-string, and little pasties for the women.

There seemed to be a dress code for sure, but the theme was everything from black tie to kink dungeon. And the partygoers came in all body types. They weren’t all gorgeous and built like Shane.

There were obvious couples and groups, including LGBT ones.

I didn’t anticipate that. That the whole vibe here would feel so much more inclusive than a regular nightclub.

“Um, Shane? Is it always like this?”

“Like what?”

“Well, I wouldn’t think straight guys, especially Dominant alphas, would necessarily want to mingle at a sex party with, like, gay guys and transgender people.”

“You’d be surprised. People in this community are generally pretty open minded. Even us homophobic alphas,” he added dryly.

I kinda rolled my eyes.

“But no, it isn’t always like this,” he said. “There are plenty of parties limited to certain types of members or certain kinks. This is what we call an open party. All members are welcome and outside guests are, too.” He leaned in a little closer. “And don’t think for one second that I missed you rolling your eyes at me.”

“Sorry,” I said innocently.Not sorry.Not if it would get him to look at me like that. Like he was planning to put me over his knee later and spank me to the moon and back.

He touched a knuckle to my chin, holding my gaze. “I told you. Don’t be sorry. Just behave.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

His eyes darkened, because maybe he’d heard the slight sass I put on that.

I bit my lip. He released my chin and I looked away.

Punishment. Discipline. Correction. Whatever he wanted to call it… the idea of it had been getting warmer for me ever since he’d spanked me the other night. And every time he gave me that warning look, undeniable excitement sparkled between my legs.

We’d come to a stop at the edge of the dance floor and as he slid an arm around my waist, turning me towards the dancers. My eyes bounced all over the place, trying to take it all in.

Beyond the dance floor, the ballroom ended in a wall with large booths all along it. And between those booths were dark alcoves. In each alcove there was a door in the shadows, with a security guard standing by it. Some were open and some were closed, but I couldn’t see whatever lay beyond.