Page 144 of Irresistible Rogue

“We should go to Toronto, race cars or something,” I changed the subject. “Don’t you still have a fleet out there?”

“Why would you want to go to Toronto?” Dane inquired. “You never came to visit me when I lived there.”

“I did.”

“What, like twice in twelve years?”

“I’m just getting fucking restless, waiting for this fight. Maybe you got me thinking. Where am I going with this? I either fight ’til I can’t win anymore and/or ’til my nose and my ears are destroyed and I’m plagued with injuries. I leave now, I keep the glory and fade out gracefully. With my pretty face intact.” I gave him what I hoped was an obnoxious smile.

Dane kinda chuckled. “Yeah. That really is the important part.”

“Hey, it is to the ladies.”

“I thought what the ladies you date found important was the part where you chain them to the bed in your sex shack in the woods, and do gothic shit to them.”

“What kind of fucked-up romance novel have you been reading?” Lex said.

“I’m not a vampire, Dane,” I said dryly. “And I wouldn’t say I really date them.”

“You ever think about going down to California?” he asked. Out of fucking nowhere.

“Why would I do that?”

“I don’t know. You’re restless. San Diego’s nice. I always liked it there.”

“Since when have you been to San Diego?”

“I’ve been there. Business.”

“Yeah, well, I’ve got no business. Let alone any business there.”

Dane stared at me. “No? How about pleasure?”

I sipped my non-alcoholic drink, trying not to be fazed by anything they said. They didn’t know.

They didn’t know what a pleasure she was.

“How’s Devi?” I asked, changing the subject again. “I haven’t seen her in a while.”

“She’s great.” Dane instantly softened and started talking about pregnancy stuff. He pulled out a strip of photos from his wallet. Ultrasound images of his baby.

I tried to pay attention as him and Lex looked at the images. I could make out a tiny, skeleton-looking hand but the rest of it was pretty much a blob.

And my mind wandered.

I’d tried to figure it out, what it was about Jolie that had me so hungry for her. Was it the pressure of knowing that she was leaving so soon?


Because that didn’t explain why, when we were together, I was so enraptured by her. Every move she made, every word she said, every reaction to everything I did… it was like a new drug invented just to fuck me up.

And when we weren’t together… I was thinking about her, fucking endlessly, at this point.

I wasthisfar away from snapping and storming my dad’s house in the middle of the night to climb into her bed. And tie her to it so she’d stay put like a good girl and let me fuck her already. Because at this rate, I didn’t know how else I’d get through to her without breaking down and begging like a pussy.

After she came to my place and asked me for thatsecondone nighter, I’d told her to call me when she wanted to get fucked, and she didn’t. So, I showed up at my dad’s place and fucked her again.

The next day, I told her I was a Dom and nicely explained what that meant to her, and she said she wanted to explore this thing… and then proceeded to drive me crazy over the next couple of days when she still didn’t call me.