Page 123 of Irresistible Rogue

Danica was smiling ear to ear. “They are, aren’t they.”

Taylor had dumped the contents of everySinner’s Choicebox into a mountain on the dining room table, and I watched the girls descend upon it to look through the goodies. By the time I wandered over to join them, they’d started sorting things into piles for each of us.

“Those ones are yours, Jolie,” Taylor told me. “You want to make sure you get your fair share. Dani’s getting grabby.”

“Here,” Danica said. “Take these.” She dumped several dildos onto my pile.

I stared at the growing pile as the girls tossed more toys onto it. Vibrators and what had to be butt plugs and stuff I’d never seen in my life. I started picking through them a bit, reading the packages with curiosity.

“Take this, too,” Dani said, and tossed a double-ended pink dildo onto my pile.

“Hell, no.” I tossed it back on her pile.

“Why not?” she demanded.

I shook my head, laughing as they all tossed stuff on my pile. “I will take one rubber dick, you guys.One.You realize I have to fly home with this? I have to clear U.S. Customs. Those guys have no sense of humor and they are scary as shit in their uniforms. I am not flying over the border with a suitcase full of dicks.”

For some reason, the girls thought that was fucking hilarious. Because, alcohol. Danica and Taylor were practically crying at whatever mental image they’d conjured.

“You guys clearly need to drink more,” I said dryly, and they both went to get another drink.

“How doyouneed more dicks?” Dani demanded, snooping through Danica’s pile. “Don’t you have enough at home? You’re so spoiled.”

Danica grinned. “Hey, maybe my men need more dicks, too.”

“I really didn’t need to hear that,” Taylor said, but she was grinning.

“I do,” Dani said. “Please. Tell me all your kinky shit. I want to hear about Cary.” She fired Taylor a look. “You never come out anymore.”

Taylor said diplomatically, “I respect my husband too much to blab to you all about his preferences in the bedroom.”

“Fuck off. You’ve already told us how kinky he is,” Dani said. “He likes to hold you down, squeeze your throat, slap your ass, and boss you around. Last time I saw you good and drunk, you let slip that you’d started calling him Big Boss Daddy while he fucked you.”

Oh, God.I had so many questions. I was chewing on my lip, trying not to blurt them all out.

Taylor just rolled her eyes at Dani, but turned slightly pink.

“Being kinky is fun,” Danica said easily. “Creative play in the bedroom is one of the best ways to stay close in your relationship.”

I looked at her, surprised. She didn’t usually talk so openly about her sex life. She was protective of Ashley and Matt and their privacy, because they were famous. And because they were bisexual. And because she knew not everyone approved of her relationship with the two of them.

She especially didn’t usually get so open in front of her twin.

But maybe their sisterly relationship had evolved? Matured. Softened. Changed, like so many other things that had moved on when I moved away.

I suddenly felt kinda depressed that I’d missed out on so much of it. All the girls’ nights and growing together.

“Creative play?” I asked, hoping she’d elaborate. “What do you mean?”

“Sex, Jolie,” Danica said bluntly. “I mean sex. If you’re in a committed relationship, over time… Think about it. You’re promising your partner, or partners, that you’ll be faithful to them alone. They promised you the same thing. So now you’re the only outlet they have for their entire range of sexual desires, and vice versa. And some people have… a broader range than others.”

“That’s a nice way to put it,” Taylor said thoughtfully.

“So, how do you keep your intimate relationship tight, without getting stale?” Danica prompted.

“Uh…” Was she expecting me to answer that? Dani didn’t really do boyfriends, but even she had more experience with relationships than I did.

“You try whatever kinky shit your man requests?” Taylor put in playfully.