Page 121 of Irresistible Rogue

“Hey!” I greeted her as I stepped carefully off the boat. “It’s so good to see you!”

Taylor swept me up in a hug, almost lifting me off my feet. “You too!” When she released me, I watched her pick up a cardboard box from a pile of them on the dock that saidSinner’s Choiceall over them in red letters. “You’re just in time. You can help me load these party favors onto the ATV.”

“Party favors?”

“Sex toys.”

So, I dutifully helped her load boxes of sex toys onto the trailer behind the ATV that was parked at the end of the small dock.

My life was getting weirder by the hour.

“Sex Island?” I asked. Last I heard, it was called Isabella Island. A short boat ride across the water from downtown Vancouver, this small island was where Danica lived a lot of the time with her husbands, when they weren’t all away on tour. Ashley’s best friend, Dylan, another rock star, also lived here.

“Oh, it’s all sex over here,” Taylor said happily. I was pretty sure she’d been drinking already. I’d arrived pretty late. The sun was starting to go down.

“Let’s go, ladies. I’ve got a dick to suck.” Danica’s husband, Ashley, came down the path between the trees.

“See what I mean?” Taylor said, but she threw him a look. “Ash, can you please with the manners? Jolie is here. We don’t need to scare her back to California just yet.”

“Hey. ’Sup, Jolie.” Ashley gave me a hug and started loading boxes himself.

“I thought this was girls only,” I complained, casting a glance at Ashley’s bodyguard, Haz, who’d picked me up on the boat and was now securing it to the dock. I was in the middle of a major, secret sexual awakening here. How was I supposed to casually probe my girls about sex when there were nosy men about?

“Oh, it is,” Taylor assured me. “The guys are doing guy stuff at Dylan’s. But I have all these boxes, so I asked Ash to drive the ATV for us.”

“Taylor drives it into a tree, every fucking time,” Ashley explained, hefting a box into the trailer. “Jesus. How many dildos do four women need?” He started poking around in the open box and Taylor smacked his hand away.

“Get out of there. Your wife will get plenty, don’t worry.”

“Whydowe need all these sex toys?” I inquired.

“Oh, Talia had a friend host one of those sex toy parties for a bunch of us,” Taylor explained. “Instead of having her come all the way out here for our party tonight, I just bought out a bunch of her stock.”

“Generous,” I remarked, poking in one of the boxes myself. There really was an incredible amount of sex toys here for a “party” of only four women.

“She doesn’t get out much,” Ashley put in, to explain Taylor’s exuberance.

“Hey!” Taylor said. “Youhave a pregnancy, and then a baby, and breastfeed, all while managing your rock star husband’s career and jetting all over the world, and see how much free time and energy you have anymore for wild nights out with your friends.”

Ashley gave her a serious look. “I say this with love. You need to get plowed. Get Cary on that.”

Taylor rolled her eyes at me. “I get plowed plenty, thanks,” she muttered, and I was sure she meant it. Her husband, Cary, another rock star and a member of Ashley and Matt’s band, was fucking smoking, and he and Taylor were adorable together. “Men,” she said to me. “More dick is the answer to everything.”

“It really is,” Ashley said solemnly. “Now get the fuck on.” He was already on the ATV, and waved his thumb at us to get our asses on the back. “Haz, meet me at Dylan’s.”

“Yup,” Haz said as he carried a case of beer up the path.

“And start getting Matt drunk!” Ashley called after him. “He’s had a hard day.”

“Oh, Matt is getting some tonight,” Taylor said, and I snickered. She grabbed my hand and helped me onto the back of the ATV with her. “How about you, Jolie? Any plowing in the works?” She waggled her eyebrows at me. For sure, the girls had been into the booze already.

“Uh, maybe we’ll get into that.” I glanced at Ashley. “Later.”

“Hang on,” he ordered, and startled, grabbing onto his waist and digging my fingers into his hard abs. “Yo. There’s a handle, Jolie.”

I looked down. There was indeed a handle, a whole giant bar, and Taylor was holding onto it. “Oh.” I grabbed on and met her eyes.

Taylor laughed, and we took off up the path into the woods.