Page 111 of Irresistible Rogue

“So… you meet women who are really good at being submissive at the club?”

“Not necessarily. What makes a great submissive to me might not make a great submissive to another Dom. It’s more like, I meet women there who are dedicated to being submissive. And who appreciate a great Dom. So much so that they’re willing to pay a lot of money for it. It’s like… a vetting process. It’s also safe, in many ways. Club members undergo regular blood testing. So when I told you I have no STIs, I can back that up—”

“Oh my god.” Her eyes had gone wide. “That thing you just said about money. That stuff you said when we met. You joked about being a male prostitute…”

“I am not a prostitute, Jolie. I pay the club and women pay the club. We don’t pay each other, and the club doesn’t pay us.”

“Oh.” Her relief on that was palpable.

“Although… some women do try to tip me.” If I was being honest, had to be fully honest.


“Yeah. Like give me gifts and stuff. Like the woman you saw me with the night of the wedding shower. She gave me that Lamborghini.”

Jolie’s jaw dropped right open. “You’re telling me… she was so pleased with your… performance… that she gave you a Lamborghini?”

“Pretty much.”

“Um. What did you do to her?”

“I didn’t fuck her, if that’s what you’re assuming.” I didn’t. Yet. Though I might’ve, that night, if Jolie hadn’t interrupted.

I let her chew on that, maybe recalling what she’d seen that night.

“You… spanked her?”

“Among other things. But I didn’t keep the Lamborghini. That’s why I drove it back to the estate. So they could have it returned to her.”


“Because, if you ask me, a Dom doesn’t accept gifts from a submissive.”

Jolie gazed at me, shaking her head a little. “I just… don’t get it.”

“Don’t get what?”

“If you’ve got access to all these women who are totally your type, like that woman with the Lamborghini… She was sexy. And she was into what you’re into… I mean, if I were you…” She was blushing, deeply. “I’d probably be at that club all the time.”


The girl was fucking adorable.

And brave, really, to be having this conversation.

“So what is it you’re really asking me, Jolie?”

“Why are you here right now?” she said.

She was actually serious, which was probably one of the things that made her the most attractive. That lack of ego. She seemed weirdly unaware of her own desirability.

It was endearing and sweet, and if I could’ve put it in my pocket and kept it, I probably would’ve.

Strange thoughts.

Maybe don’t go there.

“Because, Jolie,” I told her. “You’re special.”