Page 109 of Irresistible Rogue

“And I know you’re busy with training for your fight. And I’m busy helping out with the wedding.”


“So, I guess I just wanted to see if we could make an arrangement, you know, to keep having sex.”

Oh.Did not see that coming.

“With… parameters,” she added. “I mean, I know it was just supposed to be one time. And then it became three times. But we didn’t talk about more times, exactly. I… I guess I want more times.”

“Uh, yeah. We can arrange that.”

She took a breath, like she was relieved to get through that. “Okay. But only until the wedding,” she clarified. “That first time, four years ago, there seemed to be some… misunderstandings between us. So I just thought we should make that clear.”


“So… if this isn’t just a one nighter, or… a three nighter…” She was turning a little pink. “And we’re going to keep doing this… I want to explore that thing you said. If that’s okay with you. You know, the Dominant/submissive thing?”


“But I have… questions.”


“I just spent a couple of hours Googling the shit out of it. But… I’m not sure how much it helped. I mean, reading about men being sexually dominant… Some of the descriptions didn’t even sound like you.”

“Yeah, well… I’m sure there are all kinds of male Dominants. Just like anything else. I probably couldn’t tell you the differences between us, though. It’s not like I’ve slept with a bunch myself.”

She turned pinker. “Oh. Right. Never thought of that…”

“Also. Speaking as a man who enjoys dominating you and just agreed to keep doing it, I don’t give a fuck what other men want, and I’d prefer from this moment in that you don’t give a fuck either.”

“Right. Okay…”

“For me, it’s more of a sexual preference. I enjoy it. For some people it’s a way of life, hardcore twenty-four-seven, three-hundred-and-sixty-five. I do know that much. Because I rub shoulders with some of those guys at parties. At Bliss. You know, that estate you followed me to?”


“You asked me what it is and I never told you. But since we’re talking about this now, I’ll tell you. It’s a sex club.”

Yup. I’d definitely just floored her.

“Oh. Boy. Okay… uh…”

“It’s a private club,” I filled in for her, “and I have a membership.”

“Wow. Um…”

“I know you have more questions, Jolie. You can ask them.”

“Okay… Why do you have a membership at a sex club? I mean, I wouldn’t think you’d need to pay for something like that.” Her eyes trailed over my torso. “Because… look at you. How hard can it be for you to find a sexual partner?”

“It’s not hard, Jolie.”

I could see her mentally scrambling to make sense of this. “So, then… how does it work? They just call you up when they have someone for you to meet?”

“Sometimes. I also meet women there myself, at parties. Or I just meet women out in the world who are into the same thing I’m into.”

She looked intrigued. “How do you know a woman is into that?”