Page 100 of Irresistible Rogue


“I don’t like him. I like his sex. These are two different things.”

“Since when?”

“I don’t know. I’m learning here. I’ve never experienced this before, but I’m telling you. I don’t like him but the sex still works. Actually…” Hmm. This was interesting. “It might be making it better…”

Maybe that waswhythe sex was so incredible?

Although… the sex was also incredible when he was a complete stranger, and I liked him well enough that night…

“Okay, I may have to tap out on this at some point,” she said.

“On what? This conversation?”

“On this Shane thing. I’m not sure I have much else to add except uh-huh.”

“Why? I’m just saying I don’t like him and that hasn’t changed. We’re just having sex.”


“I just thought I should update you. You’re my check-in. I want you to know the whole deal. And the deal is I don’t like him.”


“Not funny.”

“I’m not laughing.”

I sighed. “So you think I’m crazy or what?”

“I think you’re at risk of getting hurt by him again. And I hate it.”

I took that in. I knew she really meant that.

“Okay. I hear you. I’ll keep you posted so you can keep telling me ‘uh-huh.’ And if he does hurt me… you can say ‘I told you so.’”

“I don’t want to say I told you so. I just want you to be okay.”

I heard her. Loud and clear.

“I don’t want to get hurt. I’ll be careful. I promise.”

“Good.” She sighed. “I have a few more minutes here. So, tell me all about the delicious sex and I’ll try to forget it was with him.”

Yeah. I’d tried to forget it was with him, too. So I could just enjoy the memories without guilt or regret.

But unfortunately, it was impossible to do.

No one had ever made me come like my enemy did.

I had to give him credit for that, at least, even if I didn’t like him.

* * *

“Something wrong, Jolie?”

I startled as Mom slipped into the kitchen behind me. I was making myself a coffee and trying to do it quietly so I could just slink back up to my room without talking to anyone.