But he took his damn time about it. Again. While I waited on the brink of bliss, breathless, for that next suck. The one that would throw me right over.
Instead, he lashed his tongue against my clit, and my body jerked, hard. It was a sudden, violent rush of all-consuming ecstasy.Fire.
I didn’t think my body would be able to handle the molten pleasure as it erupted… bursting higher, harder. I came so fucking hard, it felt like I split right open somehow. A full system crash. I writhed like a mad woman and screamed.
I legitscreamed.
I’d never heard myself scream like that before. It was disturbing, and yet the only way I could release the ecstasy that exploded from my core like some kind of nuclear reaction. I couldn’t contain it. It would’ve killed me or something.
“Yeah, baby,” I heard him purr. “That’s a good girl…”
I bucked against him and whimpered words that made no sense, but I was pretty sure there were a lot of swears in there. My eyes closed, and I just rolled in it.
“How does it feel to come for me?”
It was a wicked question, but I figured it was rhetorical. He didn’t order me to answer him this time.
I didn’t answer.
I opened my eyes. I blinked at the ceiling, kind of scared to actually look at him right now.
Shane Madrigal just gave me a screaming orgasm and it was official. The universe was a fucked-up place.
Just as I was finally catching my breath, he started working me again. His fingers, still inside me, caressing my insides, his tongue worshipping my flesh, his lips sucking on my clit. It was a perfect, holy trifecta of kindness that had me shuddering towards another release.
I felt like I was quivering toward the edge of a cliff, about to free fall into madness.
I almost told him to stop. I felt panicked with the force of the pleasure. But when my mouth stretched open, nothing came out.
And then another little flicker of his tongue sent me flying. My whole core spasmed, my body bearing down on his fingers, and I screamed again.
Then he did it again. He brought me to the brink of orgasm, teased me while I dangled there until I was sobbing with frustration and strung-out ecstasy, and then he made me come.
Then he did it again.
And again…
Until I didn’t think it would be physically possible for me to come again… And I did. I was sobbing and moaning, an utter fucking wet mess, when he rose up above me and seized me by the throat.
I blinked, trying to see him. I was vaguely aware of his bicep flexing, his cock in his hand. He was stroking his cock, standing above me. I wasn’t even sure how or when he’d undid his jeans and taken it out.
“My turn,” he said in a gruff, hungry voice. “I can’t wait anymore.”
Wait? Wait for what?
Was he seriously thinking about making me come again?
He’d break me.
No, scratch that. He’d already broken me.
That thing we did four years ago? It wasn’t a fluke.
It washim.
What he did to me that night, he just did it to me all over again. Last time, it happened in several different positions.
This time, he just put me on my back and dominated me. Maybe because he hated me now. He wanted to get it over with.