I watched as he shut the blinds on his windows with a remote. I swallowed thickly as that deliberate move rendered us evenmorealone. No chance of anyone glimpsing this now.
“So, I know what I’m doing,” I asserted.
“Which is?”
“Sex.” My cheeks flamed. “It’s just sex.”
He didn’t say anything.
Why was that so unnerving?
“This is just one time,” I pressed as he wandered back towards me. “And it doesn’t mean anything.”
Was he agreeing? Or was he mocking me?
“It’s just a one night stand,” I repeated as he stopped in front of me and stared me down.
“I thought we already had one of those.”
“Okay, so we’re having another one. But this one is it.”
“Uh-huh. One plus one.”
If he was trying to get me to say the wordtwo, admit that this was something more, it wasn’t happening. This was a one nighter and that was it.
“Anyway. It’s just sex, okay? There’s no emotional involvement here.”
“Why do you keep sayinguh-huh?”
“You’re very tense,” he said in a low, soothing tone. “You probably want to sit down.”
I’d sat down before it really sank in that he wasn’t asking.
He’d literally told me to sit down and I did. On the nearest object—the foot of his bed.
I blinked up at him. “How do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Make me do your bidding.”
He laughed, a low chuckle that made goosebumps rise on my skin. My nipples hardened. “Bidding?” He leaned in close to my ear and said seductively, “I bid you to rob a bank for me.”
I pulled away, shooting him an unimpressed look as he drew back. “Very funny. I’m not saying you’re brainwashing me or anything. It’s just, you know… that commanding thing you do.”
He stood over me, contemplating me, it seemed. Again, it was unnerving. “You’re not gonna do anything here you don’t want to, are you?”
“Then what does it matter if I give you commands? You follow them or you don’t.”
I stared at him. He knew I was dying to follow them, though, didn’t he?
Do you like following orders?