Page 56 of Irresistible Rogue

“I’m not complaining. Strawberries are in season right now.” I sat down on one of the lounge chairs and stretched back. “Do you mind if I sit down while you keep yelling at me?”

She lifted her chin. “Maybe I’m done yelling at you.”

“No, you’re not. You haven’t even gotten to the real stuff yet.”

“What real stuff?”

I used my spoon to move the whipped cream over to one side of the dish so I could get at the berries underneath. I tried not to eat dairy when I was in hardcore training. “You, Jolie Vola, are pissed off that once upon a time, we had fantastic, orgasmic sex.”

“I am not! And we did not.”

I laughed. “Oh yes, you are. And yes, we did.”

“You lied,” she semi-shouted. Then she came closer so she could yell at me at close range and no one would overhear. “You pretended you didn’t know who I was!”

I swallowed my mouthful of strawberries and looked up at her calmly. “I didn’t know who you were.”

“And you made up a name!”

“You said your name was Julie.”

“You said your name was Hunter!” She laughed bitterly. “It wasn’t even clever. How stupid was I, right?”

I studied her. She really seemed put out about the whole thing.

She seriously thought I knew who she was that night?

“I wasn’t ‘hunting’ you,” I informed her. “The first second I saw you was in the entrance of that bar. I didn’t know who you were.”

“And then you pursued me,” she said sarcastically, “because I was justthatdesirable, what with my whole face disaster and the fabulous hair wreck and the hotel slippers I had going on.”

“Something like that.”

Her eyes cut into me with bone-deep resentment. “I will never believe you.”

“If it makes you feel better to blame me for what happened, go nuts.”

“I do blame you! Because you made it happen.”

I laughed again.

“You seduced me and lied to me,” she hissed.

“I picked you up,” I corrected her. “And you lied to me, too.”

Her cheeks had turned that screaming pink color that one fair night had meant she was thrilled about me and lately seemed to mean she wanted me dead.

“You never gave me the chance to decide if I wanted to sleep with my stepbrother!” she exploded quietly. “You took away my choice about it!”

Was that what she’d been telling herself for four years?

“Bullshit. You’re mad because you enjoyed it.”

She spun away. “Ugh.” She grabbed her hair in fists and squeezed, like it was either that or claw my eyes out.

I studied those fists. Her tight shoulders.

Her delicious, round ass.