“That’s exciting,” Jolie said, but she sounded like she was really trying to muster the will to be happy about anything.
“Are you okay?” Danica asked her.
Jolie groaned a little. “I’m so hungover, you guys. Never let me drink that many paralyzers ever again.”
“They’re so good, though,” Daniella teased, as a phone rang. “It’s Mom,” she said. “Hey, Marie,” she answered her phone as she got up and wandered off.
“Hey,” Jolie said, “are Ashley and Matt coming to the wedding?”
“Of course,” Danica said.
“Can they commit to it so far in advance?”
“Sure. Why not?”
“I mean, they’re rock stars. How can they be sure they can make it?”
Hmm. Wedding talk. No juicy dick talk or anything.
I lit up a fresh blunt, but they didn’t seem to hear my lighter over the music.
“Well… my aunt is getting married, and I’m close with my family,” Danica said. “They know that. It’s important to me, so it’s important to them. I RSVP’d for all three of us.”
“Yeah, I saw that.”
“Hey… are you feeling uncomfortable about me bringing both of my partners to the wedding—?”
“No! No, no, no. Nothing like that. That’s not where I was going with this.” Jolie groaned. “I didn’t mean to imply that. I was just wondering… What would make someonenotRSVP by now? I mean, if rock stars can commit, what would keep someone else from committing?”
“Are there people who haven’t RSVP’d yet?” Danica sounded alarmed.
“Like who?”
“Uh… just a few people,” Jolie muttered. There was a pause and some shuffling around. “Hey, do you spell pot?”
I looked up and saw a head pop up over the bushes.
“Oh my god!”
“Morning, ladies,” I said casually.
“There’s a peeping Shane in the bushes!” Jolie shouted.
I rolled my eyes.
Danica’s head popped up next to hers. “Oh. Uh, hi, Shane.”
“Ohmygod he’s naked!”
I wasn’t naked. I was sunbathing in my boxer briefs. I’d crashed here in my suit last night, so that was all I had to wear in the heat. But I was practically as covered up as I’d be in swim trunks. You’d think I was spread-eagle with my dick in my hand and my thumb up my ass, jacking off to their voices, the way Jolie was looking at me.
“What are you doing?!” she freaked. “You’re eavesdropping on us? What is wrong with you?”
“Hey, I’m just enjoying a breakfast blunt in the open air. I don’t own the patio. Come and go as you will.”