Page 47 of Irresistible Rogue

You dropped your shoes, Cinderella.

It was signed simply,S.

I stared stupidly at the note in my hand, the imperious yet scratchy male handwriting, and realized Shane left this for me.

Like the royal dick he was.

The words on the page dripped with his smugness. The toast and kiwi fruit mocked me, telling me that seeing me fall on my ass last night—and out of my dress—was yet more proof of who was losing this war.

Out of spite, I ate it all. The toast, the kiwi, in tiny, careful bites, chewing thoroughly before washing it all down with the coconut water. The slightly salty taste of it reminded me of semen.

Gross.Nothing but semen should taste like semen.

I fell back on the bed, wondering for a long moment if I was going to throw up.

Then I wondered if Shane brought that woman into the house last night.

Of course he did. She was his date.

They’d showed up super late, but they still showed up. I thought of him introducing her around to my family and Mom making pleasant conversation with her, and that laugh of hers. I could hear it now. I could see her so clearly in my head…

Bent over that Lamborghini with Shane’s hand on her ass.

He wasspankingher.

So many times over the past four years, I’d driven myself crazy wondering if he did all that dominant stuff to me the night we met just to make it even more humiliating for me when I found out who he was. He couldn’t just fuck me. He had to make it dirty.


Holding me by the throat.

Bossing me around.

Talking dirty to me while he made me come.

“Do you like following orders?”

For what had to be the thousandth time, that night started replaying in my mind, whether I wanted it to or not. Like a dirty movie I just couldn’t stop watching.

Except I wasn’t watching it play out on a screen. I wasinthe fucking movie, and he was the star.

I remembered, so vividly, how he’d told me to come with him, and I did. How he’d taken my hand and walked me through the lounge and the adjoining restaurant, which led into a hotel lobby. Because of course, he was staying in the high-end hotel that housed the beautiful restaurant.

While we’d waited for the elevator, he held my hand lightly, his thumb slowly stroking mine, sending shivers through my body as I tried not to freak out or do anything to ruin whatever was happening between us. I felt hypnotized by him. Magnetized to him.

“Do you want my room number?”he’d asked me.“You should probably tell someone where you’re going in case I’m a psycho.”

And I realized he was right.

Why the fuck didn’t I think of that on my own?

He’d given me his room number and I texted it along with the name of the hotel to Dani and Danica. Since I didn’t know if his name was really Hunter or what, I just said something like,I’m in this room with the hottest guy I’ve ever met. Give me an hour to get some and then I’ll touch base.I tried not to grin when I sent the text. I figured the girls were gonna stuff their faces with popcorn while I told them every delicious detail the next day.

But it didn’t turn out that way.

In the end, I told them very little.

A heated kiss in his hotel room. Nothing more.