Page 36 of Irresistible Rogue

I glanced at Jolie. She was watching me. Waiting on my reply, like she’d wait all fucking day even if it killed her, literally, to put up with me.

Whatever this was about, it was important to her.

“Now, why would we call a truce?” I goaded her.

“Because our parents are getting married and I don’t want to have to worry about you being horrendous and ruining their wedding.”

“So don’t worry about it.”

“Jesus. Can’t you just act civil?” I was about to answer that honestly when she muttered, “You already ruined their engagement party.”

Right. I chuckled under my breath. “Iruined their engagement party.” From what I’d heard, her mom had cried at the engagement party, because she didn’t show up.

She was a grown woman; not my fault she was enjoying my dick too much to bother with that fucking party.

I didn’t bother with it myself. But no one exactly cried about it, did they.

“Never mind,” she said, gritting her teeth. “Let’s just stick to the present. You were rude at brunch. How do I know you won’t behave even worse at the wedding?”

“Actually,” I corrected her, “you were rude.”

“I wasn’t.”

“You were rudefirst.”


“And you know what?” I scooped avocado into the blender and licked off the spoon. “I don’t like rude little girls.”

I could practically see her skin crawl when I called her a little girl. “Whatever,” she grit out. “I am not here to spar with you, okay?”

“But it’s so much fun,” I said sarcastically. “Relax. I am not gonna spar with you in front of them. I don’t come to family shit anyway.”

“But… you’re coming to the wedding, right?”

I dumped some protein powder into the blender, then a whole whack of powdered supplements, and didn’t bother answering that.

“How am I supposed to arrange the head table when I don’t even know if you’re showing up?”

“That sounds like a you problem.”

When I glanced at her again, her entire face had turned pink. “What is it? Is it weddings in general you have a problem with? Or just this one?”Or is it me?her desperation seemed to say. Because for sure, she was wondering ifshewas the reason I was being difficult about this.

She was, really, but I wasn’t gonna let that go to her head.

“I actually like weddings,” I told her. That was true.

Just not this one.

“Then can’t you just cooperate?”

“Let me think about that. Hmm. Nope.” I turned on the blender, letting the noise drown her out. Then I leaned back against the counter and started drinking my smoothie straight out of the blender.

When I finished the smoothie, Jolie was still frowning at me.

I licked my lips. “You’re still here?”

She glowered at me. “You know, everyone thinks you’re a fuck up.”