Page 171 of Irresistible Rogue

Shane was still in Chris’s face. “Hey,” Chris said mildly, straightening his tie, “don’t take it out on me because your little pussy wanders off leash.”

Shane’s fist smashed his face, fast and hard.

Blood sprayed into the air and Raven screamed.

* * *

Once I’d sank into Shane’s car, still clutching the stupid crop, he shut my door and went around to his side. He got into the driver’s seat, but didn’t say a thing. I could feel his anger coming off him in hot, jagged waves.

I didn’t even know what he was the most angry about. That guy? The crop? Me?

The total spectacle we’d just made?

Or that he’d just been banned from the club for life?

He’d gotten into an actual fist fight with that Chris guy, turned his face into a bloody mess. Clearly, he wasn’t expecting Shane to attack him, but he’d fought back.

Security had dragged Shane off of him, fast as hell, and escorted us out. They probably didn’t have brawls break out in that place too often.

The owner of the club watched the whole thing from his perch atop the curved staircase, and so did everyone else within eyesight. The nerdy accountant type who came out of a back office with even more security guys and gave us back our ID and phones told us in no uncertain terms, very politely, that we were never to come back.

Maybe they’d run my ID through their system after all.

They also made Shane surrender his signet ring.

It was humiliating.

And Shane still hadn’t said a single fucking word to me.

He didn’t even start up the car right away. He was breathing heavily and staring at the steering wheel like he just needed a minute to scrape his shit together, while security lingered outside, making sure we were actually leaving.

I tossed the crop in the backseat, feeling angry and terrible about everything that just happened, all at once. “I’m sorry I got you kicked out,” I told him. “And I’m sorry they took your membership away. Can they do that?”

“Yeah,” he said in a low, dark voice, “of course they can do that.”

Shit. Was he really mad at me?

I felt like I had to defend myself somehow.

“I was just trying out one of the products. It was like a shop in there or something.”

He didn’t say anything.

“I didn’t do anything wrong.” I wasn’t really sure, though, if I did or didn’t. Maybe that was the worst part. “I’m in way over my head here, okay? That was too much for me, Shane.”

“Which part?”

“All of it! That place. Those people.”Those women you abandoned me to talk to.“And you attacking that guy. You probably broke his nose.”

“I did break his nose,” he said darkly.

“What if he charges you with assault or something?”

“They probably won’t let him.”

I just stared at him.

“He works for the club,” he said. “They like to keep a low profile. He’ll just have to be satisfied with never seeing me in there again.”