Page 98 of Dirty Like Us

“He’s as good as Seth,” I agreed, “why wouldn’t we want him? Orher?”

“Unless he’s fugly or something,” Zane amended, “he’shired.

“Whoever he is, he’s good,” Jesse said mildly. He’d been mild about this whole process, reserving his enthusiasm. Maybe because he was our lead guitarist, Jesse had been the hardest one to winover.

But this guy—or girl—wasgood.

Better thangood.

Dylan still had his jaw on the floor, so I gave him a jab. “Pick it up, baby, you’re drawingflies.”

“Say something!” Zane produced a drumstick out of nowhere and threw it athim.

Dylan caught the drumstick without even looking. He shut his mouth, slowly. Then he said, “Think I’m having a ‘Devil Went Down to Georgia’moment.”

Zane whooped with laughter,elated.

“You have any questions for our mystery guitarist?” Liv prompted us. She was holding a mic of her own. She hadn’t appeared on-camera, but she spoke to us sometimes, prompting our conversations. “You know he can hear you rightnow.”

“Yeah,” Zane growled into his mic, addressing the guitarist. “Dylan wants to know if you sold your soul to the devil, orwhat?”

“Not that I recall,” a male voicesaid.

And we all wentstill.

Because we all knew thatvoice.

I knew, when I looked around at my band, that we all recognized it. We all heardhim.

Liv gave the cue for the screen to move, and as it slid aside, we all saw him,too.


My heart skipped abeat.

GetDirty LikeSeth

Coming Soon: Dirty Like Dylan

Dirty Like Dylan (Dirty #4)


Two rockstars.

A threesome that will changeeverything…

Photographer Amber Malone sucks at love. She’s been dumped, duped and dated more a-holes than any girl should ever haveto.

Then she meets rock star Dylan Cope, drummer for the mega-successful rock band Dirty; gorgeous, charming and all-around nice guy. For once, the stars seem to be aligning in Amber’sfavor.

There’s only oneproblem.

Dylan’s rock star best friend, Ashley Player, is not a nice guy. He’s broken, bitter, protective of Dylan—and wants Ambergone.

It’s almost enough to send herpacking…

But when Amber and her camera inadvertently catch AshkissingDylan, she finds herself sucked head-over-heels into a world of secrets, lust and heartache… and a three-way relationship that will change everything she thought she knew aboutlove.