Page 57 of Dirty Like Us

I glanced over at Devi. She and the others were standing in the doorway, staring atus.

Max, ever the opportunist, snuffled into the hand of the hottest guy in the world as I stood there, dazed. I noticed the big, silver rings on his fingers as he stroked Max’s velvety ears, and the tattoo on his wrist, a pair of dark wings wrapped around his strongforearm.

“Come on, Max.” I pulled Max back so he could get by. “Sorry. He, um, likes you.” Normally Max preferred the ladies, but I could hardly fault histaste.

The hottest guy on the planet said nothing. He didn’t really get a chance before the ever-charming Devi intervened and herded all three of them out thedoor.

I set my tin of mini pies on Devi’s desk, feeling kind of windblown, like I’d just stepped in out of a storm rather than a light Vancouver mist. Really, a girl should be warned before a guy that hot gave her the most thorough eye-fucking of herlife.

Did I really offer himpie?


Ugh. So fuckingsmooth.

I tidied Max into an obedient ball on the rug beneath the desk and willed him to stay put as Devi returned, shutting the door behindherself.

“I know,” she gushed. “So fucking hot,right?”

Um, yeah. But I knew better than to answer that honestly. The last time I casually inquired about a hot guy I glimpsed at my best friend’s office, she took it upon herself to hook the two of us up on a blind date. And when a hot male model gets set up with someone he assumes will be some equally hot female model, but turns out to be just some regular girl, things do not go well. For the regulargirl.

Luckily, Devi didn’t even wait for my response. “Jesus, Katie.” She strode over, a takeout coffee cup in each hand. “What thehell?”

“I know. Max just bolted for youroffice—”

“Not that.” She gave me a no-contact air hug, then glanced down at my chest. “You look like a sexy drowned rat. Heard of anumbrella?”

“My hands werefull.”

Devi scowled. “Do not tell me you rode your skateboard in the rain. I hate it when you dothat.”

I rolled my eyes a little. My glamorous best friend had never understood my love affair with my skateboard. Of course, she drove a luxury SUV her parents bought for her and lived in her own suite in their giant house, so she didn’t exactly relate to my thriftiness. In the case of my preferred mode of transportation, she just saw it as risky behavior. Unfortunately, my big sister agreed with her. “Becca already gave me the lecture when I stopped to pick up thecoffees.”

Devi set my cherry-vanilla latte on the desk with a littleharrumphand eyed the mini pies with suspicion. “You’ve beenbaking.”

“Just some pies.” I flopped into one of the chairs facing the desk, which still had hot guy pheromones all over it. I sucked back a deep breath, savoring the lingering scents of cinnamon, leather, and the faint, intoxicating musk of a warm, cleanmale.


“What?” I glanced up; Devi was studying meaccusingly.


“And somescones.”

She raised a slendereyebrow.

“And a few cookies,” Iadded.




“And pecan butterripple.”

“I knew it. What’swrong?”